Monday, December 31, 2007

hello 2008! :)

May we all have a prosperous 2008! :) And lots of love too!


Sunday, December 30, 2007

i've news for you, honey

I have my own mind. I can and will choose who's befitting to be my friend. I will talk to whom I want to. I can solicit your advice but you can NEVER tell me what to do. A piece of paper, as much as I respect it, doesn't give you the right to control me. :)


Saturday, December 29, 2007

i wanna be a rockstar!! (believe me, this has nothing to do with the entry)


In other news, I watched Enteng Kabisote 4 with Pau (yes, he's a fan!) and it was... Enteng Kabisote. All you'd expect it to be. Also, it was Pau's first time to drive the new car in an express way! Here in the Philippines, that is. Pau had his first ever driver's license in the US, weird eh? So anyway, he's a Filipino driver now. Galit sha sa mga jeepneys! Haha.

That's all folks! Heh. I'm reminded of Bugs Bunny; ergo I'm reminded of Ate! :P


Friday, December 28, 2007

year-ender thingo!

* What did you do in 2007 that you'd never done before?
marry! And the whole "Giann" process - from morning sickness to odd cravings to gaining weight and super big tummy to the whole giving birth thing!

* Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
no and no.

* Did anyone close to you give birth?
not really close - Itchy and T-Anne.

* Did anyone close to you die?
one of our maids from way back, Anne. She died of Eclamsia.

* What countries did you visit?
none. Can't wait for 2008 though! ;)

* What would you like to have in 2008 that you lacked in 2007?
a stable job that I would be very passionate about.

* What date from 2007 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
February 9 and 10 2007. And yesterday.

* What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Giann Theodore Alfonso. :)

* What was your biggest failure?
I failed to do my thesis proposal :(

* Did you suffer illness or injury?

* What was the best thing you bought?
Lamaze book for Giann. ;) Cause of all the toys I bought him, he enjoys that one the most. Mana ata sakin, mahilig magbasa! ;)

* Whose behavior merited celebration?
Ate's. Moving in another country is such a big leap of faith. And she's going through it with flying colours. She's tough and I've always liked that about her. Oh. And mama's and papa's too! Learning that their Buyigyig is about to be a mother sure wasn't the easiest news to handle but they were (and still are) very supportive and loving and understanding. Love them to bits! ♥

* Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
the president. who else? --> I still have the same answer!

* Where did most of your money go?
buying stuffs for Giann.

* What did you get really, really, really excited about?
giving birth and spending Christmas with the WHOLE family. Kaya lang wala si Kuya Jay-ar. But there's always next time, anyway!

* What song(s) will always remind you of 2007?
Home - Michael Buble and Falling Away With You - Muse. I know they weren't released this year but yeah.

* Compared to this time last year, are you:
i. happier or sadder? -- happier most definitely. :)
ii. thinner or fatter? -- fattEST! haha,
iii. richer or poorer? -- richer I guess. Mum would hate it if i say am poorer. LOL. --> same answer haha.

* What do you wish you'd done more?
hmm. sleep?

* What do you wish you'd done less of?
eating! I am so much of a fat pig now, really.

* How many one-night stands?

* What was your favorite TV program?
naku. Anything on channel 7. thankyou Pau for tuning in on that channel 24/7!

* Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
No one. Hating is a waste of emotion, energy and time.

* What was the best book you read?
For One More Day - Paulo Coelho and Dear Dumb Diary series (laugh trip!)

* What was your greatest musical discovery?
Death Cab for Cutie.

* What did you want and get?
a new phone!

* What was your favorite film of this year?
definitely Stardust! ♥

* What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned... 18. haha. :P Well, okay, 23. Ate the most delish turkey and siomai at Higlands China Palace.

* What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Nothing really. One will never ever be satisfied. It's human nature to always want more. But a world cruise wouldn't hurt! :P

* How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2007?
ahh. baby doll shoes, tights and loose tops. :)

* What kept you sane?
writing, cupcakes and Giann. :) let's talk about what drives me crazy! :P

* Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
still Josh Hartnett and Hugh Grant. ♥

* What political issue stirred you the most?
Manila Pen siege. and MalacaƱang "gift-giving", when will it ever end?

* Who did you miss?
shooting shit with Chaaarles! ;)

* Who was the best new person you met?
this year? hmm. I've met the best person last year. :)

* Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2007:
Nothing will ever beat having your own child. :)

* What was the nicest thing someone told you about yourself:
that I am worth it - worth anything and everything.

* the most touching experience you've had this year?
going through birth labour with mama on my bedside. :)

* What did you like most about yourself this year?
I've become more honest with myself and my not being afraid of the challenges ahead of me.

* What did you hate most about yourself this year?

* Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:
a hell lot has happened to me this year that I doubt it could be sum up in just a song lyric. I'll give you a favourite song lyric though: "so I'll love whatever you become, and forget the reckless things we've done, I think our lives have just begun."

* Was 2007 a good year for you?

* What was your favorite moment of the year?
each and every moment I spend with Giann.

* What was your least favorite moment of the year?
fights. the petty ones AND the BIG ones.

* Where were you when 2007 began?
at home watching the amazing display of fireworks from our window. :)

* Who were you with?
the whole family. :)

* Where will you be when 2007 ends?
I dunno yet.

* Who will you be with when 2007 ends?
Pau and Giann.

* Do you have a new years resolution for 2008?

* What was your favorite month of 2007?
February. July. November. December.

* Did you lose anybody close to you in 2007?
not really.

* Did you miss anybody in the past year?

* What was your favorite record from 2007?

* How many concerts did you see in 2007?
none. I wanted to see Beyonce but a part of me didn't want to go through a night without Giann.

* Did you drink a lot of alchohol in 2007?

* do a lot of drugs in 2007?
double nope.

* you do anything you are ashamed of this year?

* How much money did you spend in 2007?

* What was your proudest moment of 2007?
the day I became a mother. :)

* What was your most embarrassing moment of 2007?

* If you could go back in time to any moment of 2007 and change something, what would it be?
something so special to share. ;)

* What are your plans for 2008?
get a stable job that I will really enjoy and raise Giann the best way I know how. And of course help Pau in anything and everything.

* How are you different now that the year has ended?
I am much tougher now. I go through that change every year. :)

* What are your wishes for the new year?
world peace!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


Dear Diary,

I know I owe you stories from yesterday... But this song keeps on interrupting my ability to write:

I have come to learn I'll only see you interrupting my dreams at night.
And that's alright.



Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Sunday, December 23, 2007

fabulously pinay!

Ipagyabang na ikaw ay isang Pilipino!

At dahil mahal ko ang Pilipinas, gusto kong suportahan ang mga produkto na nagsasabing proud ako na maging Pinay! ;) Katulad ng "Fabulously Pinay" na t-shirt sa Bayo. At ODM watch ni Tim Yap. Gusto ko din suportahan ang FMCC shirts!

Tapos ng pasko bibili ako ng Yabang Pinoy band. :)

Ang sarap talaga maging Pinoy!

looking back

I was browsing through one of my old blogSSS and found a wish list I made last April. Now, let's see if they were granted by the controlling forces of the Universe. :P

Long term wishes:

"I wish P's mum will stop treating him like a 5-year old." Hmm. Maybe I've just gotten used with the fact that Paulo, no matter how old he is, will always be a baby. Or maybe his mum has learned to let loose. I think it's the former hehe.

"I wish for my baby to be healthy and normal and beautiful." Granted! Yay! Giann is the most beautiful baby. :) And he's healthy too! He'd get occasional colds but nothing really serious. He's got skin asthma too but what do you expect from a baby whose parents both have skin asthma? It's mild though and his pedia-derma is working it out. ;)

"I wish some things NEVER change." Haha. I don't think this will be granted, EVER. Boo you life! :P

"I wish a good friend all the happiness and love in the world. He's a real amazing guy and deserves nothing less." I still wish him that. :) With my whole heart. And I still feel the same way about him too! And I don't think it's ever gonna change. :)

Short term ones:

"I wish to pass my Literary Theory and Criticism final exam! 'Nuff said." Check. I actually got a 3.5. ;)

"I wish to get better soon. Screw this effin colds!" Check. Haha.

"I wish that friggin PLDT be burnt to hell. Seriously." Aww. They're not yet on fire. :( Boo! But yeah, grant this please!! :P

"I wish to bring sexy (Prinsesita) back soon!" She's very much present now. ;)

"I wish I won't get ugly stretch marks after I give birth." Whoever you are controlling forces of the Universe, I hate you for not granting this wish! :(

"I wish my "unwanted" friends at P's place go away NOW. As in at this very moment!" It took a very expensive insect catcher and constant room cleaning for this to happen but yay for me!

"I wish to have new Tabulas and Friendster layouts." Come to think of it, I don't give a damn about Friendster and tabulas anymore. :) Hello Blogspot and Facebook! ♥

Total wishes granted = 5. Le sigh life. But that makes it more interesting! ;)



sshh... My Sugarpie is sleeping. ;) He's such a cutie! ♥

Saturday, December 22, 2007

on being a mum

If there’s anything that annoys Pau the most, it is when I refuse to play WoW with him to take care of Giann. He’s immature like that. I am immature in a lot of ways too, but I am a mother, and that makes all the difference. Pau prolly thinks I’ve became so un-cool and so uninteresting ever since I gave birth. Haha. Because for the time being, I’ve lost interest in ANYTHING that has nothing to do with Giann. (Let’s blame post-partum depression for that!) Pau would always argue that Giann doesn’t have two maids for nothing. But see, I want to be there for Giann. I want to be a mother – in all its essence and glory. Why would I want for anyone to enjoy giving him a bath when I can do so myself? Maids are there to tend to Giann when I cannot – when I need to shower or eat or go somewhere else or when I finally get a job. But when I am home, I want to be the one looking after my son – play with him, carry him, see him giggle, comfort him when he’s crying. He’s only gonna be an infant once in this lifetime and I want to make the most out of it. I want to be there during this time when he still needs me for everything! Cause like before I know it, he’s gonna learn how to stand on his own; he won’t need me to carry him anymore. Sooner or later he’d learn how to get his own food; he won’t need me to prepare it for him. He’d be able to take a bath all by himself; I’d miss seeing him giggle whenever I pour lukewarm water all over his body. Before I even realize it, he’s gonna be a toddler, then an adolescent, a teenager, an adult! As he grows up, he’ll need me less and less so I want to focus most of my time on him now that he needs me to do everything for him. I know as each day passes I’d learn how to let him loose in order for him to grow. But for the meantime, I’d keep a steady, loving eyes on him.


for some reason...

...this hits the spot. In a good way. ;)

sweet no? :P

Friday, December 21, 2007

he's home!

the loves of my life ♥

Dad's home!

I heart holidays. ♥ Happy times! :)

Thanks Ma and Pa for driving as back to Laguna. Mwah! ;)

the happy Buyigyig

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

thought #2

A Lebanese I play WoW with said, "If I marry, I want my husband to be very good looking... Cause like... I'll have to see his face every single day for the rest of my life."

For the time being I agreed with her. After all, whoever wants to see someone ugly every single day for as long as you live! But being in my position now made me realize that the husband or husband-to-be should have lots more to offer than his cover boy looks. Fast forward 30 years from now our face would be wrinkled and saggy and the used to be cover boy husband is as plain looking as everyone else.

I realized that a husband (aside from being good looking) should be responsible and brave. He should be mature, has goals and is very determined to achieve them. A husband should have good judgment and patience as vast as the ocean (if you're my husband you have to be more than patient! Ask Pau. :P) And above all, a husband should know his priorities - putting his family ABOVE anything and everything else. :)

A little thought of the day. ;)


I am currently loving Death Cab for Cutie's I Will Follow You Into the Dark. ♥


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

and so I'm bored...

Name: Ann Millaine ;)

Age: 12! :P 23 if we follow my birth certificate. Haha.

Religion: kind of Catholic and kind of something else.

What are you passionate about: cupcakes and coffee. OH AND PHILOSOPHY TOO! ;) and the eternal trivias and do-you-knows of life.

Favorite movie this year: Stardust ♥

Most played songs on iPod: Rule The World. Save The Last Dance for Me. :) Falling Away With You.

Hero: my mother.

Best quality about me: I am both childish and child-like.

The worst: same as the best. :P

Do you have direction? I have now. ;)

Last semi-sensible purchase: Topshop tops. They were on sale! So that makes the purchase kind of sensible.

If you could buy one thing right now it would be: just one thing? But I want to buy gifts for everyone!

Beach or mountains: BEACH!

Sport: to play, golf

Movie that makes me cry: CHICK FLICKS! I'm sappy like that. :P

Apart from what you're doing now, what would be your dream job: writer. or anything that has to do with the media.

Temptation you have successfully avoided thus far: mini skirts!

Temptation you have succumbed to recently: the Internet!!!

The one thing you can never be: a mathematician. bah.

The one thing you strive to be: the BEST.

The one thing you struggle with the most: ugly stretch marks. :( boo!

The most beautiful woman you've ever seen: my mother.

The best thing your mom taught you: live and let live. and lots about love. :)

The best thing your dad taught you: that I am worth it.

The thing you surprisingly enjoy doing: superpoking people on Facebook haha!

Last time you kissed someone: two hours ago, before I put him to sleep. ;)

What turns you on: great mind, great disposition, great sense of humour and GREAT SMELL! :P

What turns you off: Insensitiveness.

Most pointless thing a girl can buy: is there ever such thing? Cause I don't think so! :P

Best thing a girl can buy: a really good concealer.

Favorite sound: Giann giggling. ;)

Worst sound: sobs.

Favorite swear word: Wow. Should we have favourite swear words? Well, okay, the ones I often use are 'oh shit' and 'punyeta.'

When no one's looking I like to: beat Giann with kisses!

What would the movie of your life be called: The Adventures of Super Girl!

What is the most ironic thing about yourself: everything about me is ironic, really.

What do you like most about yourself: I can laugh at myself. And I can be really patient and that I'm optimistic.

What do you hate most about yourself: stubbornness.

One thing you will never be: a mathematician! haha.

Issue most important to you: motherhood.

What is the bravest thing you've done: fall in-love. and admitting it to myself and to everyone.

What is the one brave thing you've still yet to do: be a good mother. it's an every day thing.

What's food for your soul? love.

If you were to enter heaven, what would you like to hear at the pearly gates: "welcome! we have unlimited Belgian chocolates and closets full of Manolo Blahniks, Marc Jacobs and Vera Wang!" best ever!

I tag everyone who's as bored as hell!

the best things in life are not things...

...they are called "family" :)

Cheerios to spending Christmas with the whole family! ♥ It's Giann's first ever too! Seven days to go 'till Christmas. One sleep away and Ate and Kuya are home! Two more days and Papa's home too! I love holidays. I've no money to spend but I am at my happiest, really. :) I guess nothing will ever beat having the best family in the whole Universe! ♥



Monday, December 17, 2007

beautiful words.

There's a four-line poetry I could never forget. They are not my words but they're in my heart like they are mine. But then, I guess they're really mine after all. I am being selfish and will not share it. Memories are all we have, don't we? So I'd rather keep them all to myself.

But I have to say, this four-line poetry makes me melancholic and hopeful and happy and down all at the same time.

Not a lot of things can make me that.


Baby I promise you this:
I'll send you all my love,
every day in a letter...
sealed with a kiss. ♥

Wala lang. :)

Sunday, December 16, 2007


Last Friday night I realized that if there's one thing I absolutely hate, it is when men whine like bitches. I didn't figure that out until that night because I'm surrounded by men who are childish, insensitive and chauvinistic but thank God they're not whiners. Heh.

Anyways, I was like trying my hardest to not get mad cause after all, I'm 2 years older than them but they kept on bitching about having to walk from Robinson's Pioneer to Paragon Plaza (where HiTFM is) and I was like, "I USED TO WALK THIS LONG EVERY SINGLE DAY!" That was during my on-the-job training and they were like, "omg we're already tired.. blah blah shit." And I couldn't help it. I flared up. I walked faster and gave them the SILENT TREATMENT. I know it was immature but well, THEY are immature I decided to give them the taste of their own medicine. I would've walked out on them but I was cornered. We're all taking the same elevator! I mean, I am helping them with their project and instead of being grateful they're throwing a bitch fit? I am not obliging them to be thankful whatsoever, but at least not bitch on me. HELLO! I used to be friendly with these people because they are Pau's friends but I just hate men who whine much more than I do. I thought I was the queen of whining. I guess I thought wrong.

But yeah, the night ended with me being all friends with them again. I just can't stay mad for so long, really. But I swear to all that is holy that if they start whining on me again, they'd regret it for as long as they live. Really really.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

thought #1

The only thing we can do about the past is remember it. Hold onto it for as long as we can until they slip away. Then convince ourselves it's not worth going back to. Just so we don't regret. Just so we don't spend our whole lives looking back - wishing, hoping, crying.

A little thought of the day.


Friday, December 14, 2007

WoW made me "wow!"

I didn't know there's such a thing as World of Warcraft Visa until now. It even made it to the list of Top Ten Consumer-Friendly Credit Cards. Wow. Go go World of Warcraft! :P

And yeah, I want this Gap Visa thing! Go go Baby Gap! Haha.


Thursday, December 13, 2007


Someone told me that if I spend my time being afraid of writing that inevitable essay, then If I get the job, I'd spend each and every day on that job being scared. That job entails writing 5 news stories every week!

Heh. Why didn't I think of that? :P Thank you. ♥

On to writing the essay that will change the course of my life!

It's due tomorrow afternoon so I have the rest of the night to do it.

I can do it! I have to believe in myself or else, no one else will believe in me.

Love, Hugs and Kisses,


Wednesday, December 12, 2007


How do you even begin to write when you know it holds half your child's future?

Man. I wish my words are as beautiful as the sunset. :( But they're plain and boring and girly. Fit for a blog, alright. But I have to write - to REALLY write. I wish I'm articulate and fluent enough.

"This-is-self-esteem-going-down-the-drain" Heh.

But yeah, I wish I'm a better writer, for the first time ever.

Oh God help me!


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

watch with me

Movies I want to see:

1. Batanes - because its tag line says "love knows no borders." It made me smile.

2. Elizabeth: The Golden Age - because I've always been a fan of the Elizabethan era. I believe it deserves to be the golden age in every single way.

3. Enchanted - because the trailer made me laugh! And because it's fairytale based. Need I say more? :P

4. The Golden Compass - because I want to see for myself how "atheist" it is. Or not.

5. One More Chance - because I'm corny like that. :P

Tara tara let's watch! :)


I have a job interview tomorrow. Yay!! Wish me luck. :)


Monday, December 10, 2007


Whoever said the Philippines is in poverty must've not been in our shopping centers during the holidays! God Glorietta was like in its Midnight Madness Sale gimmick back when it was still the coolest mall in the country. It's like it has never been bombed. I was making my way through the shopping-hungry animals of the jungle that is Glorietta and I can't help but shake my head as I realize what was really happening. We're a third world country extravagantly and luxuriously spending like a first world! thankyousomuch POP CULTURE. And SM is even worse! It was beyond jam packed. I can't think of a word that would come close to how it was like. And it's not even a payday! There was no ongoing sale or whatsoever. I guess it was just pure human nature's love for spending, really. SM was beyond bustling with people that the guard had to control the traffic in the escalators. It was crazy!

But my trip to Glorietta/SM wasn't at all that bad. One thing I absolutely love about Christmas shopping (or window shopping) is looking at the colourful, very Christmas-y boutiques and stalls. I love how festive we celebrate Christmas and how we take time to really fill our stores, homes, stalls, etc. with decors and lights! Every corner of each and every corner I passed was beaming with Christmas lights. And Santa seems to be everywhere! Heh. I enjoyed humming to the Christmas songs playing. And now that I've thought about it, I actually had fun! ;)

My favourite part? Here:



Oh here's the link to Kaji's 7th birthday photos! ;) I'm too lazy to post them all here. :P

But here's my favourite photo from the party. Well, one of the many! :P

me darling! ♥

Good nightee everyone! :)


Sunday, December 9, 2007

that song.

Amazing how songs trigger emotions. It's like hearing a part of your life be told over and over again with melodic accompaniment. It reminds you of the love you lost, the one you found and all warring emotions in between. It stirs all the feelings - the one you've been shoving down hoping it won't surface, the one you can't let go of, the one you can't resist, the one you will forever have, even the feeling you think you have, but don't. Each verse, every word, it hits a certain spot.

Yep, it sure does.

Saturday, December 8, 2007


Giann attended his first ever birthday party! ;) It was my nephew's (Kaji) 7th birthday. Everyone in the party loved Giann! Because he is the cutest I am telling you! :P So there I was the all-beaming-uber-proud mother and once again I realized that I did something right (finally!) when I had Giann. :) I was sooo proud I sent mum and dad a message saying how everyone loves their apo!

And dad replied: "Shempre pogi yan, anak yata yan ng Buyigyig ko hehe."

I swear I almost cried.

I love you Pa! ♥ And of course I love you too Ma! (that despite you claimed that Giann got his good looks from you :P haha!)

Will post photos tomorrow. :)

the super proud little mum! ;)

P.S. I dunno if my cousins, aunties and uncles in mum's side are reading this, but I'm gonna post Kaji's birthday photos for you tomorrow! And of course for ate too! ♥

Friday, December 7, 2007

fresh air

The reason why I woke up real early this morning is this:

Hehe. I wanted to see Pau in a long sleeves and slacks. :P Yes, I am shallow like that. But see, he's always in uber-sized pants and shirt so seeing him in a semi-formal attire is a breathe of fresh air. ;)

And that's about it. :)


surprise surprise!

I browsed through Ate's blog and found this:

Live traffic feed

Philippines San Pedro, Laguna arrived from on "Mitsikoy"

Philippines Quezon, Nueva Ecija left via

Philippines Quezon, Nueva Ecija left via

Philippines Quezon, Nueva Ecija left via

Philippines Quezon, Nueva Ecija left via

Philippines Quezon, Nueva Ecija arrived from on "Mitsikoy"

Malaysia Petaling Jaya, Wilayah Persekutuan arrived from on "Mitsikoy"

Philippines Quezon, Nueva Ecija arrived on "Mitsikoy"

Malaysia Petaling Jaya, Wilayah Persekutuan arrived on "Mitsikoy"

Philippines Makati, Rizal arrived from on "Mitsikoy"

Ignore my browser
Live Traffic Map
Popular Pages Today

Wow! QUEZON, NUEVA ECIJA! That's our province! Shall I say all the things I don't like about it now that I know a relative might be reading this blog? :P Bleah. Well, okay.. I love and hate it. Now that I think about it, I have that kind of relationship in almost everything in my life. Whatever happened to pure love? :(

Anyway, one reason I am surprised to see Quezon Nueva Ecija on ate's traffic feed is that I sincerely thought that internet connection doesn't exist in that place. I'll take you there and you'll know why! Our ancestral house in Nueva Ecija is so rural. So rural it's like being transported to errm.. another dimension. It's like one minute you're driving in a highway, you take one turn and all of a sudden, you're in a... forest! Seriously.

But Wow. Internet connection! Booyah for you people! :D

Hi relative! (if you are a relative heh) Say hi to lolo and lola for me! ;)


I think I'm done with breastfeeding. :( I've been breastfeeding Giann for more than 4 months now and it frustrates me to realize that it's not gonna last longer than I wanted. I want to give Giann the best in everything, and my milk is one of them. :) But I cannot produce milk forever, can I? I would if I can, really. But yeah. Oh well.

Okay will retire back to bed. My neurons are not working properly at this time of the day.


Thursday, December 6, 2007

July 2004

Wow. That's how long I've had this blogger account! Wow.

Bet you didn't know that! :P

I've owned this account since the yengski.blogspot era. ;) I wasn't a "hardcore" blogger when I first joined the blogging world. I think it was only Winnie, Pau and Emkaye who knew about that site. Haha. I deleted that blog (but not the account) and transferred to Tabulas. Then I became obsessed with blogging. Haha. And then there are my Friendster and Prinsesa blogs (which is also under this account, but you cannot view it anymore! :P)

I can't believe it's been that long. :)

Okay. I'll stop blogging now. Must finish Pau's appendices! And Giann will be awake soon! I need to catch some sleep before he does!

Good morning world!


you twit!

Someone's been bombarding me with fucking text messages, picture messages even, since two days ago! And I used to laugh at his misspelled words and funny-annoying lines but now... at this ungodly hour... man I want to throw my phone!! ARGH.

The thing is, he thinks I'm some dude he's mad at or something. Cause sometimes he'd sent me threats and all. One time I was so tempted to reply, cuss him and say, "YOU FRIGGIN GOT THE WRONG NUMBER TWIT!" But I don't want to grace him with a reply no matter how cheap a single text message is. And if I do reply, that would encourage him more. He called me once. I wanted to take the call and scream so loud his eardrums would explode! But I won't give him the satisfaction of knowing that I'm a girl. Because then, he'd send me more messages for sure!

And no I don't want a text mate, thankyouverymuch. I've NEVER had a text mate nor a chat mate. Those are not my things. Well, I did chat with someone for a looong time but he's not just a "chat mate." I don't care if it's "in" or if people do it. Just please, stop bombarding me with messages. Please!!!


*changes sim card*

His number: 09104511519

Go go go! Harass him with messages!! (Baneneng alam ko magaling ka jan! :P hahaha!)

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

the chosen ones

The one and only reason why Giann isn't baptised yet is because Pau cannot tell his mum that we've decided for Giann to be a Catholic. Well for now at least. Because Pau's insisting he'd be an Iglesia ni Cristo as soon as he understands the concept of religion and has the moral judgment to choose for himself. He cannot be an Iglesia ni Cristo yet because for one, I'm a Catholic and if I remember right, they have this 'one-must-choose-his-religion-it-shouldn't-be-implied-on-him' thing going. You'd think it's neat yeah. But I cannot imagine my son to not have a religion until he's like what? Thirteen?

Seriously, I cannot understand why religion is such a big issue. I mean, we can name and rename our faith however and whenever we want to, we can give God different name, worship Him one million and one ways but those will never change the fact that there is just ONE God. I'm sure some people will try to be a smart ass and say, "but don't Catholics have this Holy Trinity?" For sure we do! But they're one and the same. If you can't grasp that then you're not cool. Haha. Kidding. But I am not a strict Catholic devotee ergo I cannot fully explain how did that happen. So yeah, go find a priest and ask him. ;)

See, I am bound to join Iglesia ni Cristo. I have to or else Pau will be removed from his precious religion. And I wouldn't want that to happen because I know that will devastate Pau. If there's one thing I TOTALLY hate about Iglesia ni Cristo it is their idea that they are THE chosen ones, screw the gazillion other religious groups! I mean come on, be more of an elitist! I promised Pau I'd be "one of them" yeah, but I also told him that I won't stay. I'd just join for "formality's sake" for him to be able to say "oi my wife joined us you cannot remove me!" What do you know maybe I'll take you people to our uber cool, uber elite rocket ship when judgment day comes! :P Haha. Why am I not gonna stay with Iglesia ni Cristo despite the rocket ship promise? God how can I ever think that my benevolent and selfless parents, loving siblings and beautiful friends will be burnt in hell because they did not choose to join Iglesia ni Cristo? I am sorry but I don't think I can EVER be that selfish. I can be selfish about many things but NEVER that. I also don't like the fact that they are obliging people to give donations (or whatever they choose to call it) and to attend church. Of course worshiping is an obligation, some would say. But I'd rather WANT to worship than go to church because I'm obliged to or because if I don't I can expect the leaders of my religion to visit me in the house the next day and I'd have to explain myself. I mean how many excuses one must invent yeah? See, I believe there are unlimited ways of loving and praising God. Going to church is just one of them. The day I moved in at Pau's is the very same day I stopped going to church. I just don't want to go to their church period. The last I've been there, I fell asleep. Seriously! And I don't think his mum would appreciate me attending catholic church so I'd rather not go at all. As I said, we can praise, love and worship God gazillion other ways.

Don't get me wrong. I don't absolutely hate Iglesia ni Cristo. Just that I cannot understand why it has to believe that they are the only ones to be saved. Just because the bible termed "the chosen ones" Iglesia ni Cristo? Migawd be more literal please! Heh. This is what I believe: Church of God could be anyone, even everyone if you'd think about it. I believe everyone who believes in God and doesn't do harm to himself and to others will be "saved", whatever it is we need saving from. Because I also believe in a happy God. And a happy God won't punish his people, really. :) We will all go to heaven or be with Him if we desire. As I said, I'm not a strict Catholic devotee, I am not hailing Catholicism as the perfect religion. I admit there are some Catholic beliefs and rituals that I question and to some extent, despise. But I'm a proud Catholic girl. How glad I am that we don't degrade other religious groups nor we fight and bad mouth other people's beliefs. We're not taught that by our church. If any Catholic does that, it is his own personal belief. Same as these are my opinions, I don't really give a damn whether you agree or not. Go make your own blog and publish your own views. :P

Oh but I love some things about Iglesia too! One is how they dress properly and appropriately for worship. I also like their strict rules on time. They close gates 5 minutes before worship. No one should be late! The best thing I love about Iglesia ni Cristo is that Pau belongs to it. :) Pau is one of the few good men I know. For that fact alone, I must say Iglesia must be doing something right after all. ;)

But yeah, I love (and hate) Catholocism so I'm sticking to it! I just hope Giann gets baptised soon.

Believe me when I say that my one ultimate wish would have to be world peace. Cause then religious conflicts and differences have no place.


Saturday, December 1, 2007

now I'm serious...

I am looking for someone cheesy, mushy, sappy, corny and all other adjectives synonymous to those...

Watch One More Chance with me? :)



Love, Peace and Happiness,
Yeng ♥