Tuesday, December 18, 2007

and so I'm bored...

Name: Ann Millaine ;)

Age: 12! :P 23 if we follow my birth certificate. Haha.

Religion: kind of Catholic and kind of something else.

What are you passionate about: cupcakes and coffee. OH AND PHILOSOPHY TOO! ;) and the eternal trivias and do-you-knows of life.

Favorite movie this year: Stardust ♥

Most played songs on iPod: Rule The World. Save The Last Dance for Me. :) Falling Away With You.

Hero: my mother.

Best quality about me: I am both childish and child-like.

The worst: same as the best. :P

Do you have direction? I have now. ;)

Last semi-sensible purchase: Topshop tops. They were on sale! So that makes the purchase kind of sensible.

If you could buy one thing right now it would be: just one thing? But I want to buy gifts for everyone!

Beach or mountains: BEACH!

Sport: to play, golf

Movie that makes me cry: CHICK FLICKS! I'm sappy like that. :P

Apart from what you're doing now, what would be your dream job: writer. or anything that has to do with the media.

Temptation you have successfully avoided thus far: mini skirts!

Temptation you have succumbed to recently: the Internet!!!

The one thing you can never be: a mathematician. bah.

The one thing you strive to be: the BEST.

The one thing you struggle with the most: ugly stretch marks. :( boo!

The most beautiful woman you've ever seen: my mother.

The best thing your mom taught you: live and let live. and lots about love. :)

The best thing your dad taught you: that I am worth it.

The thing you surprisingly enjoy doing: superpoking people on Facebook haha!

Last time you kissed someone: two hours ago, before I put him to sleep. ;)

What turns you on: great mind, great disposition, great sense of humour and GREAT SMELL! :P

What turns you off: Insensitiveness.

Most pointless thing a girl can buy: is there ever such thing? Cause I don't think so! :P

Best thing a girl can buy: a really good concealer.

Favorite sound: Giann giggling. ;)

Worst sound: sobs.

Favorite swear word: Wow. Should we have favourite swear words? Well, okay, the ones I often use are 'oh shit' and 'punyeta.'

When no one's looking I like to: beat Giann with kisses!

What would the movie of your life be called: The Adventures of Super Girl!

What is the most ironic thing about yourself: everything about me is ironic, really.

What do you like most about yourself: I can laugh at myself. And I can be really patient and that I'm optimistic.

What do you hate most about yourself: stubbornness.

One thing you will never be: a mathematician! haha.

Issue most important to you: motherhood.

What is the bravest thing you've done: fall in-love. and admitting it to myself and to everyone.

What is the one brave thing you've still yet to do: be a good mother. it's an every day thing.

What's food for your soul? love.

If you were to enter heaven, what would you like to hear at the pearly gates: "welcome! we have unlimited Belgian chocolates and closets full of Manolo Blahniks, Marc Jacobs and Vera Wang!" best ever!

I tag everyone who's as bored as hell!

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