Thursday, July 31, 2008

2 days late

Photos of our uber cozy workplace:

Before our move to hell, Gill and I have uber big work spaces! Like really. And now, we're very very close. I love Gill alright but we all know that relationships always need "space" hahaha.


Meet Mitzel. Well, call him Ivor 'cause he likes that nick better. :P He's our new Markets Officer. He can do Australian accent which never fails to make me laugh every time he uses it. Haha. That photo was taken 2 days ago when we're the only ones left in Markets! PARTY WOOHOO! ;)


Happy birthday Bong! :)

L-R: Aljo, Mike (yeah that's Starstruck's Mike Tan. he's actually really nice and plays too much WoW too :P), the invisible Yeng (the empty seat was mine), Pau, Mcnaire, Lyndon, Fonz, Bing, Oli, the birthday boy Bong, IƱaki (more like his hand, really), Chard (more like Chard's hair :P), Nikki, Vea, Mac, Markus and Martin

*Burgoo, Tomas Morato*


I skipped work today because I have enormous tummy ache since last night. NO I AM NOT PREGNANT GILL. :P It's called ulcer. Bleah.

Time to play WoW! YAY! Haha.


Monday, July 28, 2008

i saw this somewhere

Everyday I wake up and have this ache in my chest. And sometimes, I just sleep in because when I wake up, you’re not gonna be there.


I'm supposed to be sleeping but I can't sleep. I'm...sad. Gill once said that people cry and they know why, but when they cry and they couldn't reason even to themselves why they're crying, the reason must be something beyond them - something profound and real. Hmm. I am not really crying but I am really sad. Not TERRIBLY sad though. Just...sad.

Ah I should take it easy. I keep on answering "yeah" to someone who kept on saying "take it easy!" and I should keep it. I've broken one too many promises already.


We've officially moved offices. So now, Gill and I are CLOSE. LITERALLY. I will take photos of our uber cozy workplace tomorrow.


Pau showed me the biggest Toblerone EVER! It's sitting in the fridge. Too bad it's not white. BOO.

Alrighty time to try and sleep (again!)


Sunday, July 27, 2008

too bad she's a lesbian

"If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger: I should not seem a part of it."
- Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights, Ch. 9

dram before 8, can you believe it?

Pau and his boys AND me and my girls! ;)


For a good deal of time I felt like I miss being in another country. Then yesterday I realised, it's not being in another country that I miss, it's my family. The first time we got to spend real good time as a COMPLETE family (with Giann, after god knows how long) was when we went to Malaysia and Singapore. And then we moved on with our "normal" lives. Then I miss them more every single day. The fact that this house, this neighbourhood and the people in this house are very much different from where I was before (and believe me, to say I love my life before I got sentenced to live in this house is an understatement) isn't helping any. But I look at Pau and Giann and it makes semi sense. Because I don't have to be HERE to prove my love for them.

You know, Pau's mum can install bazillions of airconditioning units in this room, she can fill this room with whatever electronic gadget she thinks will make me enjoy my stay here, she can cook scrumptious food every day to make me feel like I'm home, and I appreciate her for that. But this house is not my home. And it never will be.

So really, if time were in a bottle, I would sprinkle it on things/people/events I want to keep forever.


Saturday, July 26, 2008

happy happy day!

My boys :)

Cutie Giann with the half-Pau :P

After super super late lunch!

Everyone thinks they're brothers!

Loves. ♥


Enough na Lola please... :P

Bleah daddy's carrying me!



nothing, really.

I know it's too early to blog but I've been suffering from ulcer since last night and I can't sleep. I terribly hate it when I have ulcer/migraine. Makes me inefficient and lazy and clingy and whiny.

Ahh. :(

But anyway... Let's do a fill-in!

1. I believe whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

2. If you're good at something, make the most out of it.

3. Why so serious? :P

4. Something is out there, they're loud, annoying and stupid and you call them neighbours.

5. If my life were a sitcom, it would be titled My parents must be Greek. HAHAHA. I cannot think of any.

6. Sitting on my back porch [if you don't have one, use your imagination] I see the amazingly beautiful night sky. :)

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to well, last night I was (still am) suffering from ulcer, tomorrow my plans include (which means today) have lunch with the fam in Mall of Asia and have EJ's portrait session at The Picture Company and Sunday, I want to witness a giggling Giann during his portrait session at The Picture Company! :D


Thursday, July 24, 2008


1. I've come to realise that my butt: is sexy. haha. the ONLY sexy part of my body! :P

2. I've come to realise that when I talk: people really listen.

3. I've come to realise that if I love someone: I don't stop. And/but it takes many forms.

4. I've come to realise that I need: food all the time. haha.

5. I've come to realise that I've lost: my IDs one too many times.

6. I've come to realise that I hate it when: people can't/don't mind their own friggin business.

7. I've come to realise that if I'm drunk: I get really sleepy.

8. I've come to realise that money: is just that. So people shouldn't stress about it too much.

9. I've come to realise that my mother: is a very beautiful woman and is always on my side.

10. I've come to realise that I'll probably always be: young. ;)

11. I've come to realise that I have a crush on: Jim Sturgees! He's my latest eye candy. :P

12. I've come to realise that the last time I cried was: because I felt so trapped.

13. I've come to realise that my cell phone: is not grand and is screwing up.

14. I've come to realise that when I wake up in the morning: I like smiling at Giann and having him smile back. :)

15. I've come to realise that before I go to sleep at night: I get lost in deep thoughts.

16. I've come to realise that right now I am thinking about: the answer to your question? :P

17. I've come to realise that babies: are one of life's greatest blessings.

18. I've come to realise that when I get on livejournal: I have not logged on my livejournal for... years.

19. I've come to realise that today I will: probably not work on my thesis again, as usual.

20. I've come to realise that tonight I will: sleep and be lazy!

21. I've come to realise that tomorrow I will: attend a meeting.

22. I've come to realise that I really want to: travel the world.

23. I've come to realise that who is most likely to repost this is: Baneneng? :P

24. I've come to realise relationships: are something you really work hard on.

25. I've come to realise love: is grand.

26. I've come to realise my best guy friend: will ALWAYS be there for me - whatever, wherever, whenever

27. I've come to realise my best girl friend/s: are the BEST.

28. I've come to realise food: is my biggest indulgence in life. :P

29. I've come to realise that when I'm a girlfriend: I'm a really good one. ;)

30. I've come to realise girls and boys: can be good friends.

31. I've come to realise over the summer: that I have not gone to the beach!

32. I've come to realise heartbreak: builds character.


I can't believe I look so young. TOO young even. A partner of The Firm thinks I'm not yet legal to drink beer. HELLO CHILD LABOUR! Then one of the girls I was meeting with earlier today saw me and the first thing she told/asked me was, "how old are you?" I was confused, then she added, "you look so young!" I felt myself blush. Haha. Maybe I should start wearing really heavy make-up omg! :P


Hana - Giann adores your gift! He wouldn't stop giggling, laughing, and he mimics what the kids are doing! :) And I see you're lying when you said it's affordable. Looks pretty expensive! Thankyou. ♥

Alrighty time to put the little bub to sleep. :)


Wednesday, July 23, 2008

best day ever photos! :)

Happy birthday Giann!

Giann doesn't care about the camera. He only wants to look at Barney! :P

Kids! *cough* haha

Cake and loot bags

The girl-Barney doing a magic trick

Ate and EJ enjoying the magic show

Giann with (L-R) Ninong Mac, Ninong Markus, Tito Bing, Tito Lyndon, Tito Fonz and Ninong Mcnaire

EJ decided to wear something very "corporate" :P he's still uber cute though :) Giann with Lola Mummy Lhai and Kuya EJ

Giann loves Mac's younger brother Mikee!

Time to blow the candle! :)

Giann's loots!

a basketball, a walker-"car" and a learning laptop

all opened :)

The birthday boy opening his gift

Amazed by the talking-singing Baby Tad! :D

This toy is uber loud I swear.

Little basketball for my little bub :) It cheers when he shoots a ball

Thanks Panoncillo family for this cutie gift! ♥

The end.

*photos taken using Diane's cam and Pau's phone. I've yet to ask everyone for the photos they took so more photos to come!*


Monday, July 21, 2008

something from my mail

Hey Prinsesita,

Quick question: have you been happy with your experience on OkCupid? I ask because I just noticed that you haven't answered any match questions and you're probably not showing up in people's searches as much as you could be if you answered even just a few.


Dear Chris,

I am not at all "happy" with OkCupid. Actually, I am not interested at all. In fact, the ONLY time I used OkCupid was when I took this "how addicted to World of Warcraft are you" test; which, by the way, suck big time because it gave us wrong results! Get your scoring right, man. So yeah, no more OkCupid quizzes for me! Stupid quizzes. :P

P.S. Whoever said I want to be "searched" anyways?

Prinsesita (thankyou for calling me little princess though :P)

Sunday, July 20, 2008

I love you

Exactly 1 year ago today I had you.

And from that day on, I had never let you go.

I never believed in love at first sight.

Until this day:

See, I have never really considered my self a "good" person. But now I know I did something VERY OUTSTANDINGLY right some time in my life. I should have. Because I was blessed with you.

You are the GRANDEST blessing I ever EVER received.

Happy 1st birthday Giann. :)

Thank you for the past 12 months filled with anticipation, anxiety, stress, patience, bliss, love and lessons.

Thank you for completing me.



Good night all! :)


the only one worth it.

How tired I am. BUT. Giann's worth it. :)

I will post photos tomorrow or whenever Pau decides to let me use his PC. This PC's USB hub is screwed. So yeah.

Thankyou thankyou thankyou to all those who attended Giann's birthday party! Even if the birthday boy spent most of the time clinging on to his mum and snubbing everyone. :P

Man, I am tired. I should rest now. Big day tomorrow (work) plus I need to re-arrange our closets to make way for Giann's UBER plenty toys and clothes! I'll show you his loot next time. They're overwhelming. :)


Pau answered the question "When are you online?/When are you available to play?" (on his WoW character) with "I'm online everyday. From 9am-1am, +8GMT." I read it, was not really surprised and teased him, "wow, you have NO life." He laughed.

Pretty amusing.

I remember asking him before, "if I leave you, what do you think will happen to you? What would you do?"

"Nothing. Just play WoW the whole day?"

"Ah. Very productive."


So sleepy but waiting for time! :D

P.S. Let's all hope Pau lets me upload photos soon omg!


Saturday, July 19, 2008

abusing The Bee! :P

While most kids cry when they see a mascot, it's a different story with Giann!

Look at me Jollibee!

Photo op with Jollibee!

The Bee doing the "worm" dance. Hahaha.

Kissing Jollibee :)

He's afraid of the OTHER bee though...His Ninong Tito Kim! :P

He is my soldier. ;)

*photos taken at JC's 3rd birthday party*


1st haircut!

My poor little bub calling for his mum!

Mum and a lollipop pacified him. :)

It's his first time to ever eat a lollipop too! :P

All done but he didn't want to be put down

So dad amused him with balls hanging from the ceiling

Viola! ;)


MY ADORABLE GIANN - 3 days before his 1st haircut! :) (with his camera-shy maid)
