Thursday, July 24, 2008


1. I've come to realise that my butt: is sexy. haha. the ONLY sexy part of my body! :P

2. I've come to realise that when I talk: people really listen.

3. I've come to realise that if I love someone: I don't stop. And/but it takes many forms.

4. I've come to realise that I need: food all the time. haha.

5. I've come to realise that I've lost: my IDs one too many times.

6. I've come to realise that I hate it when: people can't/don't mind their own friggin business.

7. I've come to realise that if I'm drunk: I get really sleepy.

8. I've come to realise that money: is just that. So people shouldn't stress about it too much.

9. I've come to realise that my mother: is a very beautiful woman and is always on my side.

10. I've come to realise that I'll probably always be: young. ;)

11. I've come to realise that I have a crush on: Jim Sturgees! He's my latest eye candy. :P

12. I've come to realise that the last time I cried was: because I felt so trapped.

13. I've come to realise that my cell phone: is not grand and is screwing up.

14. I've come to realise that when I wake up in the morning: I like smiling at Giann and having him smile back. :)

15. I've come to realise that before I go to sleep at night: I get lost in deep thoughts.

16. I've come to realise that right now I am thinking about: the answer to your question? :P

17. I've come to realise that babies: are one of life's greatest blessings.

18. I've come to realise that when I get on livejournal: I have not logged on my livejournal for... years.

19. I've come to realise that today I will: probably not work on my thesis again, as usual.

20. I've come to realise that tonight I will: sleep and be lazy!

21. I've come to realise that tomorrow I will: attend a meeting.

22. I've come to realise that I really want to: travel the world.

23. I've come to realise that who is most likely to repost this is: Baneneng? :P

24. I've come to realise relationships: are something you really work hard on.

25. I've come to realise love: is grand.

26. I've come to realise my best guy friend: will ALWAYS be there for me - whatever, wherever, whenever

27. I've come to realise my best girl friend/s: are the BEST.

28. I've come to realise food: is my biggest indulgence in life. :P

29. I've come to realise that when I'm a girlfriend: I'm a really good one. ;)

30. I've come to realise girls and boys: can be good friends.

31. I've come to realise over the summer: that I have not gone to the beach!

32. I've come to realise heartbreak: builds character.


I can't believe I look so young. TOO young even. A partner of The Firm thinks I'm not yet legal to drink beer. HELLO CHILD LABOUR! Then one of the girls I was meeting with earlier today saw me and the first thing she told/asked me was, "how old are you?" I was confused, then she added, "you look so young!" I felt myself blush. Haha. Maybe I should start wearing really heavy make-up omg! :P


Hana - Giann adores your gift! He wouldn't stop giggling, laughing, and he mimics what the kids are doing! :) And I see you're lying when you said it's affordable. Looks pretty expensive! Thankyou. ♥

Alrighty time to put the little bub to sleep. :)



clarissahana said...

dude! i swear it wasn't expensive. i got a very good deal for those dvds. even philip said it was a good deal and you know he appreciates a good bargain hehehe...=)

Nhe said...

i won't post it na, almost identical na mga answers ko sa answers mo! hahaha! :)

Super Little Mum said...

@Hana - haha thanks nonetheless. :) so phil loves good bargains eh? did he try the really cheap Coors during happy hours on Friday's? HAHA. :P

@Baneneng - haha soulmates! ;) how are you feeling?

Nhe said...

hahaha! ;p ok na ako.. a bit sad cause i'm sick for a week but i didn't lose weight! hahaha!

clarissahana said...

yup. he's a certified bargain hunter hehehe... =) nah, he didn't get coors at fridays since he already bought some at the landmark for only 13.75. we were surprised that they were so cheap.

clarissahana said...

by the way, can you send me the pictures from giann's birthday? i think we had one hehehe...=)