Monday, July 21, 2008

something from my mail

Hey Prinsesita,

Quick question: have you been happy with your experience on OkCupid? I ask because I just noticed that you haven't answered any match questions and you're probably not showing up in people's searches as much as you could be if you answered even just a few.


Dear Chris,

I am not at all "happy" with OkCupid. Actually, I am not interested at all. In fact, the ONLY time I used OkCupid was when I took this "how addicted to World of Warcraft are you" test; which, by the way, suck big time because it gave us wrong results! Get your scoring right, man. So yeah, no more OkCupid quizzes for me! Stupid quizzes. :P

P.S. Whoever said I want to be "searched" anyways?

Prinsesita (thankyou for calling me little princess though :P)

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