Wednesday, July 23, 2008

best day ever photos! :)

Happy birthday Giann!

Giann doesn't care about the camera. He only wants to look at Barney! :P

Kids! *cough* haha

Cake and loot bags

The girl-Barney doing a magic trick

Ate and EJ enjoying the magic show

Giann with (L-R) Ninong Mac, Ninong Markus, Tito Bing, Tito Lyndon, Tito Fonz and Ninong Mcnaire

EJ decided to wear something very "corporate" :P he's still uber cute though :) Giann with Lola Mummy Lhai and Kuya EJ

Giann loves Mac's younger brother Mikee!

Time to blow the candle! :)

Giann's loots!

a basketball, a walker-"car" and a learning laptop

all opened :)

The birthday boy opening his gift

Amazed by the talking-singing Baby Tad! :D

This toy is uber loud I swear.

Little basketball for my little bub :) It cheers when he shoots a ball

Thanks Panoncillo family for this cutie gift! ♥

The end.

*photos taken using Diane's cam and Pau's phone. I've yet to ask everyone for the photos they took so more photos to come!*



clarissahana said...

woohoo! i see my gift! i see my gift! hehehe...=)

Anonymous said...


Nhe said...

i missed the party.. :c i still don't know what gift to buy! haha!

see you soon! hugs and kisses, buyigyig!

Super Little Mum said...

yeah the party missed you too Baneneng! :(

see you soonish!!! YAY! ♥