Sunday, July 27, 2008

dram before 8, can you believe it?

Pau and his boys AND me and my girls! ;)


For a good deal of time I felt like I miss being in another country. Then yesterday I realised, it's not being in another country that I miss, it's my family. The first time we got to spend real good time as a COMPLETE family (with Giann, after god knows how long) was when we went to Malaysia and Singapore. And then we moved on with our "normal" lives. Then I miss them more every single day. The fact that this house, this neighbourhood and the people in this house are very much different from where I was before (and believe me, to say I love my life before I got sentenced to live in this house is an understatement) isn't helping any. But I look at Pau and Giann and it makes semi sense. Because I don't have to be HERE to prove my love for them.

You know, Pau's mum can install bazillions of airconditioning units in this room, she can fill this room with whatever electronic gadget she thinks will make me enjoy my stay here, she can cook scrumptious food every day to make me feel like I'm home, and I appreciate her for that. But this house is not my home. And it never will be.

So really, if time were in a bottle, I would sprinkle it on things/people/events I want to keep forever.
