Saturday, July 26, 2008

nothing, really.

I know it's too early to blog but I've been suffering from ulcer since last night and I can't sleep. I terribly hate it when I have ulcer/migraine. Makes me inefficient and lazy and clingy and whiny.

Ahh. :(

But anyway... Let's do a fill-in!

1. I believe whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

2. If you're good at something, make the most out of it.

3. Why so serious? :P

4. Something is out there, they're loud, annoying and stupid and you call them neighbours.

5. If my life were a sitcom, it would be titled My parents must be Greek. HAHAHA. I cannot think of any.

6. Sitting on my back porch [if you don't have one, use your imagination] I see the amazingly beautiful night sky. :)

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to well, last night I was (still am) suffering from ulcer, tomorrow my plans include (which means today) have lunch with the fam in Mall of Asia and have EJ's portrait session at The Picture Company and Sunday, I want to witness a giggling Giann during his portrait session at The Picture Company! :D


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