Sunday, July 20, 2008

the only one worth it.

How tired I am. BUT. Giann's worth it. :)

I will post photos tomorrow or whenever Pau decides to let me use his PC. This PC's USB hub is screwed. So yeah.

Thankyou thankyou thankyou to all those who attended Giann's birthday party! Even if the birthday boy spent most of the time clinging on to his mum and snubbing everyone. :P

Man, I am tired. I should rest now. Big day tomorrow (work) plus I need to re-arrange our closets to make way for Giann's UBER plenty toys and clothes! I'll show you his loot next time. They're overwhelming. :)


Pau answered the question "When are you online?/When are you available to play?" (on his WoW character) with "I'm online everyday. From 9am-1am, +8GMT." I read it, was not really surprised and teased him, "wow, you have NO life." He laughed.

Pretty amusing.

I remember asking him before, "if I leave you, what do you think will happen to you? What would you do?"

"Nothing. Just play WoW the whole day?"

"Ah. Very productive."


So sleepy but waiting for time! :D

P.S. Let's all hope Pau lets me upload photos soon omg!


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