Thursday, July 31, 2008

2 days late

Photos of our uber cozy workplace:

Before our move to hell, Gill and I have uber big work spaces! Like really. And now, we're very very close. I love Gill alright but we all know that relationships always need "space" hahaha.


Meet Mitzel. Well, call him Ivor 'cause he likes that nick better. :P He's our new Markets Officer. He can do Australian accent which never fails to make me laugh every time he uses it. Haha. That photo was taken 2 days ago when we're the only ones left in Markets! PARTY WOOHOO! ;)


Happy birthday Bong! :)

L-R: Aljo, Mike (yeah that's Starstruck's Mike Tan. he's actually really nice and plays too much WoW too :P), the invisible Yeng (the empty seat was mine), Pau, Mcnaire, Lyndon, Fonz, Bing, Oli, the birthday boy Bong, IƱaki (more like his hand, really), Chard (more like Chard's hair :P), Nikki, Vea, Mac, Markus and Martin

*Burgoo, Tomas Morato*


I skipped work today because I have enormous tummy ache since last night. NO I AM NOT PREGNANT GILL. :P It's called ulcer. Bleah.

Time to play WoW! YAY! Haha.



clarissahana said...

so how close is too close ba? hehehe...=) hope you're feeling better. are you sure it's ulcer and not somethng else hmmmm....=) had lunch with the two guys of markets 'coz gille was with her lola - they're super duper close also you know hehehe...=)

Super Little Mum said...

yeah it's friggin ulcer. i skipped breakfast yesterday remember? because i was running late and was coming from a hotel... and wow gill had lunch with HER? GRATS GILL! :P