Sunday, September 21, 2008

rivalries never grow old. they only get better.

I miss you even more than I could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal. So this letter is just really a sequel of pain. It is incredible how essential to me you have become. ~ Vita Sackville-West


Pau and I watched Game 1 of ADMU-DLSU face-off. I have photos but Pau left his phone in the car and we're both too lazy (and tired) to get it.

Anyway, we (DLSU) lost of course. Mygod it was inevitable. Pretty boy Chris Tiu plus this giant guy wearing #19 jersey (I don't care what his name is) = LA SALLE DEAD BEEF.

I miss the glory days with RenRen Ritualo! :P

We'll miss Thursday's game because I have stupid work but I'm sure there's going to be game 3 so we're watching that. ;)

Alrighty good night.


Friday, September 19, 2008


with Mark and Percy ( Pau's classmates) in Plaridel, Bulacan

I want my hair to be this short again!

See, I look "brighter" with that cut, yeah?


I am also thinking of changing this blog's URL. But I will let you know. Well, you will know for as long as I know that you're reading this blog.


I've terrible vibes tonight. I knew I should've watched Bangkok Dangerous. So what if Pau would rather do whatever than watch with me? It's his friggin lost, not mine.


I guess I'm just tired.


Saturday, September 13, 2008

nothing, really

I can't believe I've been sick for more than a month now. It's not funny. I just got home from the pulmo and he gave me 3 more meds! Way to make me more groggy.

Stupid doomed building. IT made me sick. I just know it.


I know you cannot relate but whatever.

Prinsesita has left her home of more than 2 years. I transferred her to a new place with a heavy heart. But Bonechewer has got nothing more for her. It already gave her the best. :) Of course she will always love Bonechewer, after all, it's where she met the Australians she'll always remember, hate and love - Altor, Axlfooie, my "favourite brother" Kempachi, Spiritmonger, Xorxor (and his bazillion other Xors) and of course, Nyter. Bonechewer also gave me friends, who in the process of playing WoW everyday turned into real life friends I enjoy hanging out with - some of them even became Giann's godfathers!

I left Taft Tower. Prinsesita left Bonechewer. But our homes will always be what we left behind.


Now I know someone who can relate *wavesatHana* :P

Such a sad, sad song.


Sunday, September 7, 2008

"I want to hear it every day for the rest of my life!"

Gmail makes me cry.

So I don't log on my Gmail unless I really really HAVE to.

But today I gave in.

Logged on it.

And now I'm depressed.

I'm silly.

But I'm going out with friends tonight so it's fine! :) I really didn't want to go. But Pau was like, "you should go. When was the last time you left Giann for the night?" "Uhm, Bong's birthday?" "That was a long time ago! And that was probably just the 3rd time EVER you left Giann for the night so you're not really a bad mother if you go with us tonight!"

So I was convinced. :P But I guess that was his nice way of saying I've become so boring. Haha.

Alrighty preparing for a long night (of eating and WoW playing!) with guy friends!

Oh and before I forget: HAPPY BIRTHDAY LYNDON! He's one of the nicest guys that I know. Naks! ;) I'll post a photo of him but I forgot my photobucket password. Lucky him! Haha.


and i don't know what to feel

I used to dream almost every night - in full colour. My dreams were so vivid I could mistake they're real (if only I didn't know better). I knew the face so well - memorised its features like my own. I recognised the deep voice so well - heard it so clearly as if it's amplified by digital surround sound. I felt every touch, savoured every smile, recorded every laugh. I knew all the details - I held on to them like dear life.

Last night I dreamt again. But unlike before, this time the face was a blur - almost covered by blinding white light - distorted. I could see a smile, I could feel a touch. But they felt cold and unreal. They felt like pigments of, well, a dream. For the first time in years, they felt like what they REALLY are - mirage. The face I knew so well turned into someone unfamiliar - it has change in ways I cannot grasp, cannot pinpoint.

Like the four-line poetry, the blue card, the doodles, the songs and the funny images on camera - I still remember them. But not as perfectly as I did before. They are like the roses I tried to preserve by keeping in between pages of thick books. I preserved them, yeah but they still withered.

Maybe if I let you wither, all else will die and no longer haunt me.


Saturday, September 6, 2008

i don't give a rat's ass if you're from mars

Dear Men,

Please learn that:

If a woman asks you something, it's not because she wants to be annoying. It's because she wants your assurance.

If a woman calls/texts you time and time again, it's not because she wants to take note of your every move. It's because she misses you.

If a woman calls your attention, it's not because she wants ALL of it, it's because she wants a piece of your time (duh!).

If a woman gets jealous, it's not because she wants to fight, it's because she loves you.

If a woman wants to hear you love her and you think she's beautiful (yes, over and over again), give it to her. It doesn't hurt to let her know how you feel. Yes, even if it's reiterating the same thing over and over and over...

If a woman wants to talk, it's because she wants to know how you are and what you're thinking. Because I'll bet my life you don't talk to her as much.

Also, it really doesn't help to shout at her. She's a woman, what are you gay?

I, thank you.



Friday, September 5, 2008

the Internet lies!!!


It's all Gill's fault. :P

Okie dokie good night.


I'm SuperWoman hear me roar! :P

I love how when I'm with Pau everything is easy. Like I have the answer to all his problems. How different when I'm Yeng the Markets Officer or Yeng the graduate student where everything is just... hard and complicated - where answers aren't as simple as "then just do whatever makes you happy!"

Pau's concerns are different. I wouldn't really call them unimportant as they ARE essential to him. It's just that his main problems are about simple things - like WoW. I mean how hard and complicated can that be, yeah? After all, it's just a game. And games are supposed to be fun. So when it ceases to be fun, then you know something's wrong. It's simple logic. You don't have to know Nietzsche and Heidegger and Baudrillard to arrive to a conclusion about those problems.

I love how I feel like I'm such a wise woman with Pau. I love how he heeds my advice and actually takes them seriously. And I love how opinionated he is when it comes to WoW. You should know how passive Pau is on almost everything about life. But he turns into this oh-so-passionate-and-active man when the topic at hand has something to do with WoW! It's something I love and hate. But it's something I have to live with so I've learnt to accept it.


To anyone who cares, nope I am not yet all "well." I still have friggin coughs and colds. I blame our doomed building! Really.


1. If I was to walk into your life, I am going to stay forever - one way or another.

2. Catch a bright star and place it in your hands. Hold on to it like you would a lover.

3. And you can send me to the moon and dance with me!

4. I can pretend but I'm dealing with a memory that never forgets.

5. I'm the innocent bystander / Somehow I got stuck in a crazy crazy circus!

6. What's keeping us apart isn't selfishness, it's something else and you know it.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to sleeping, tomorrow my plans include sleeping and bonding time with Giann and Sunday, I want to sleep and play with Giann! Yep I'm a simple girl with simple wants! :P
