Friday, September 5, 2008

I'm SuperWoman hear me roar! :P

I love how when I'm with Pau everything is easy. Like I have the answer to all his problems. How different when I'm Yeng the Markets Officer or Yeng the graduate student where everything is just... hard and complicated - where answers aren't as simple as "then just do whatever makes you happy!"

Pau's concerns are different. I wouldn't really call them unimportant as they ARE essential to him. It's just that his main problems are about simple things - like WoW. I mean how hard and complicated can that be, yeah? After all, it's just a game. And games are supposed to be fun. So when it ceases to be fun, then you know something's wrong. It's simple logic. You don't have to know Nietzsche and Heidegger and Baudrillard to arrive to a conclusion about those problems.

I love how I feel like I'm such a wise woman with Pau. I love how he heeds my advice and actually takes them seriously. And I love how opinionated he is when it comes to WoW. You should know how passive Pau is on almost everything about life. But he turns into this oh-so-passionate-and-active man when the topic at hand has something to do with WoW! It's something I love and hate. But it's something I have to live with so I've learnt to accept it.


To anyone who cares, nope I am not yet all "well." I still have friggin coughs and colds. I blame our doomed building! Really.


1. If I was to walk into your life, I am going to stay forever - one way or another.

2. Catch a bright star and place it in your hands. Hold on to it like you would a lover.

3. And you can send me to the moon and dance with me!

4. I can pretend but I'm dealing with a memory that never forgets.

5. I'm the innocent bystander / Somehow I got stuck in a crazy crazy circus!

6. What's keeping us apart isn't selfishness, it's something else and you know it.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to sleeping, tomorrow my plans include sleeping and bonding time with Giann and Sunday, I want to sleep and play with Giann! Yep I'm a simple girl with simple wants! :P


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