Sunday, September 7, 2008

"I want to hear it every day for the rest of my life!"

Gmail makes me cry.

So I don't log on my Gmail unless I really really HAVE to.

But today I gave in.

Logged on it.

And now I'm depressed.

I'm silly.

But I'm going out with friends tonight so it's fine! :) I really didn't want to go. But Pau was like, "you should go. When was the last time you left Giann for the night?" "Uhm, Bong's birthday?" "That was a long time ago! And that was probably just the 3rd time EVER you left Giann for the night so you're not really a bad mother if you go with us tonight!"

So I was convinced. :P But I guess that was his nice way of saying I've become so boring. Haha.

Alrighty preparing for a long night (of eating and WoW playing!) with guy friends!

Oh and before I forget: HAPPY BIRTHDAY LYNDON! He's one of the nicest guys that I know. Naks! ;) I'll post a photo of him but I forgot my photobucket password. Lucky him! Haha.



Nhe said...

oo nga naman yeng! you should go out once in a while for your ME-time.. :p

Super Little Mum said...

psh screw ME-time when I can be with Giann! :P i've been with myself long enough. hahaha. i know what you mean though. ;) and to a certain degree, i agree. :P