Saturday, September 6, 2008

i don't give a rat's ass if you're from mars

Dear Men,

Please learn that:

If a woman asks you something, it's not because she wants to be annoying. It's because she wants your assurance.

If a woman calls/texts you time and time again, it's not because she wants to take note of your every move. It's because she misses you.

If a woman calls your attention, it's not because she wants ALL of it, it's because she wants a piece of your time (duh!).

If a woman gets jealous, it's not because she wants to fight, it's because she loves you.

If a woman wants to hear you love her and you think she's beautiful (yes, over and over again), give it to her. It doesn't hurt to let her know how you feel. Yes, even if it's reiterating the same thing over and over and over...

If a woman wants to talk, it's because she wants to know how you are and what you're thinking. Because I'll bet my life you don't talk to her as much.

Also, it really doesn't help to shout at her. She's a woman, what are you gay?

I, thank you.




clarissahana said...



Super Little Mum said...

some men can be stupid, yeah? friggin y chromosome! haha.

clarissahana said...

some lang ba? hmmm...i'm starting to think that they're all stupid...well, that's just from my experience i guess... =)

clarissahana said...

by the way, have posted this in my multiply, myspace and friendster blogs ha...

Super Little Mum said...

haha some lang naman! ;) i know of a real few who aren't... come to think of it maybe i'm only talking about one!! haha! :P so okay... MOST. okies about reposting. :)

and, have a blast today! :)

Nhe said...

so true! ;p