Saturday, June 28, 2008

so what happened?

Our friggin router's been screwed since a week ago and of course Pau thought he needs internet connection more than I do, therefore the DSL is connected straight to his PC. Well, actually he really NEEDS internet more. He'd die without it!

But then last night, Pau's PC won't turn on yet again. Ergo, Yeng wins! Haha. I have internet connection now yay! Poor Pau and lucky, lucky Yeng. :P

I've been very very busy with work and organising Giann's first birthday party. I was wrong when I thought that after signing a contract with T.G.I.Friday's and paying the down payment, everything's already settled. But mygod now I have invitations, cake, cupcakes, game prizes and loot bags to worry about! Also driving me insane is thinking and re-thinking (over and over) what my little bub will wear on his very special day! I'd be lying if I say that organising Giann's party doesn't make me go gaga because hell it does! But it's one of those things that make me crazy and I'm so loving it. :)

Oh on a very sad note:

I will miss this retro guy! :(


Last night I was so tired and feeling really really weak, I landed on my butt! RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE SAN PEDRO MARKET! And they were like, "ooooh!!!" I didn't know whether to laugh or cry or die of embarrassment. Haha.


The soon-to-be birthday boy is sick too! With another viral infection plus coughs. :( You know what they say about someone always getting sick when it's just weeks before his birthday? Could be true for Giann. Or maybe, he's just really too young to fight all the bacteria and viruses in his environment. :(


Alrighty time to put Giann to sleep now. :)


Sunday, June 15, 2008

uber late fridaysfeast


Do you consider yourself to be an optimist or a pessimist?

♥ I'm an optimist. Most of the time. :P


What is your favorite color of ink to write with?

♥ PINK! ;)


How often do you get a manicure or pedicure? Do you do them yourself or go to a salon and pay for them?

♥ Used to be twice a month. But now that I have Giann, it's been decreased to once a month. But it's more fun now cause I get to do it with Pau. :) He also loves getting foot spa + pedicure haha.

Main Course

Have you ever won anything online? If so, what was it?

♥ Oh good question. Love and friendship and happiness.


In which room in your house do you keep your home computer?

♥ ours.


My Marvelous Men

"It is much easier to become a father than to be one."

I love you Daddy Dan! For the nth time: You are the BEST father. :)

I love you PauPau! (a.k.a. Macho Man! :P)

I love you Kuya Kim!

I love you Kuya Marvs!

I love you Kuya Pat, Kuya Billy, Tito Tats, Tito Lot, Tito Jhun, Tito Nonoy, Kuya Boy, Tito Diko, Papa Dick, and Papa Mock!

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Haha he's got new winter scarf! And soft panda toy! :D

Will get him one of those cute pet pals as soon as I raise 500 coins! :P

Sugarpie is love. ♥


here we go again

help me pretend that
the most beautiful ever
is but a mirage


Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Before I completely forget about this photo:


Taken 2 months ago during her stressful-migraine-filled cocktail party.

I love you Hana! ♥




PMS makes me lethargic. That's my excuse for missing my blog for days. See, I'm so lazy I don't even bother to check when was the last time I've been here.

Anyways. Let's talk about the most important person in my life.


What has he been up to lately?

Well, my little big boy can now sit on his own. *beams* One minute he's lying on his back and the next minute he's already in a sitting position, playing with his toys or trying to stand. :P

He can now do the "apir" and "align" gestures! Haha.

He can now act "angry" and will go like, "Hrrrrm!!!" complete with facial expression when we say, "Angry Giann!" :P

He now shakes his ENTIRE body when he means "I don't like!" He's too cute, I swear!

He now cries or semi-cries when I leave for work every morning. :( And extends his arms towards me when I hand him to his maid.

He now knows how to clap his hands! :D Thanks to Barney's "If You're Happy and You Know It" song!

He now appreciates TV ads.

He can stand on his own now! But only for good seconds until he lands on his ass! :P


And he's my most precious. ♥

the proud super mum

Sunday, June 8, 2008

you don't see me

I'm not a fan of Pussycat Dolls.

But this one makes me cry. For real.


Friday, June 6, 2008

call me Dora :P

I decided to cut my hair this morning before I leave for work. It was an impulsive decision. But just like MOST of my impulsive, careless decisions in life, I don't regret it.

I now have fringe! AGAIN. :)

And Giann upon waking up, saw me and couldn't stop smiling! He likes my new hair. He probably thinks I'm Dora! :P Hahaha. Pau doesn't like it that much. He likes plain, straight and boring. But he should know that I am not plain. I can be boring but NEVER plain. So I woke him up to witness the giggling Giann adoring his mum's hair. And I was like, "see, Giann loves my hair!!"

I lived to my Dora persona the whole day. :P Before I leave for work I said to Giann, "Alrighty babe, kiss Dora the Mummy goodbye now!" I even signed my e-mails for Pol and Gill as "Dora Dora Dora the Explorer! Ay ay!"

I love my new (but old) 'do. :)


And oh, fridaysfeast time!


When you drink soda/pop/coke, do you prefer to drink it from the bottle, a can, or after pouring it into a cup?

♥ Depends on how thirsty I am. :P In most cases though, I prefer drinking anything in a glass.


What television show are you willing to stay up late to watch?

♥ GOSSIP GIRL! Sex and the City and CSI. I can even watch them endlessly on reruns!


Name one person, place, or thing you think of as brilliant.

♥ Mum, Dad and Giann (he's real brilliant in his own little way!)

Main Course

Would you be willing to work 4 10-hour days instead of 5 8-hour days in order to save gas?

♥ Nope. Giann doesn't sleep without me. A 10-hour work would mean I won't be home until REALLY late. And my little guy can't miss out on sleeping time! So screw gas, Giann is way more important.


If you were a superhero, what would you call yourself?

♥ SuperLittleMum. It's patented to me! :P


Thursday, June 5, 2008

spur of the moment thought

If an ex-boyfriend doesn't want to be involved in ANY way with an ex-girlfriend, does that spell WRONG? Does that mean not moving on?

I sure think not.

Maybe the ex-girlfriend is just NOT worth it, yeah?

And nope, that isn't about me.

Oh well. I shall not worry myself with that.



pretense is the best defense

some things never change
stuck disabled and insane
heart still skip a beat


Gill: Lahat naman ng magaganda magkakamukha eh... Tignan mo mag kamukha tayo!


Yep Gill, birds of the same feathers flock together! Hmm. Pol? :P




Wednesday, June 4, 2008

i swear this is a true story!

An applicant, while waiting to be interviewed, started talking to me while I was busy doing a 'presentation' for a company that is into hotel and resorts.

Applicant: Is this the marketing department?

Me: Yeah. Are you applying for a marketing position?

Applicant. No. For Communications Officer.

Me: *smilespolitely* Yeah it's the same, actually. Marketing AND Communications Officer.

Applicant: Ahh.

*she stared at my monitor for good minutes*

Applicant: So, you do beach?

Me: WHAT?!

I was like, "where the fudge did that come from? BEACH WHAT??"

Sure I have a photo of a beach displayed on my computer monitor because I was researching about the company I was doing the presentation for but still, her question doesn't sound right.

Grats Applicant! I sincerely, really hope you get the job! Then we can converse every day and I won't have a single boring day woohoo! ;)

P.S. I SERIOUSLY believe she's made for Markets! This early and she's already got Newsbyte! And the BEST I've EVER heard so far. It beat "Can I have Yoga for dinner?" in a snap! :P


Monday, June 2, 2008


Saturday was spent with my siblings in an anime convention. It felt like I was transported to another Universe - one where 'people' wear funny-looking clothes, sport striking coloured hair and carry funny accessories and 'weapons'. I jokingly announced, "wow I think I'm under dressed." And Pau was like, "Para tayong nasa mental hospital." Hahaha. His tongue is sharper than mine! :P

Shobe dressed as someone from Prince of Tennis

Someone dressed as... beats me!

I told you I was under dressed!

Go girlaloo! :P

Is Mask Rider Black actually anime? Hmm.

Saturday night was spent being honest.

Sunday was spent with Pau and Giann for foot spa + pedicure + manicure day! Giann decided to eat, tear all the magazines his maid amused him with. He also decided to “destroy” the fake plant display and put some of its leaves in his mouth. Then he screamed and whined gazillion times! He’s a brat in the making, I can tell! :P Despite that, I still think he’s a cutie. ;)

I slept around 8:00 PM Sunday night. Bad migraine.

Today was not so great either. I slept the whole ride to the office because of severe migraine. I almost missed the street where I get off. I look really lousy and I feel sick.

To top it all off, the heel of my left shoe decided to do a “Mentos” on me. Hahaha. I wanted to pull the other pair’s heel off too but I friggin couldn’t. It’s a mystery to me why the left heel was so disentangled while the right one was so screwed. I mean not like I’m hopping on my left foot from one place to the other! But anyways, thankyouveryVERYmuch Pol for offering to buy a mighty bond for my shoe. Hahaha. Jologs at its finest. :P But see, it is the Universe’s way of handing a sign. I am so buying the ZARA ballet flats I’ve been eyeing since last month. :)

Good night world.

P.S. Our boss (of all people) sent us an e-mail about the earthquake in China and it tore my heart apart. :(
