Wednesday, June 4, 2008

i swear this is a true story!

An applicant, while waiting to be interviewed, started talking to me while I was busy doing a 'presentation' for a company that is into hotel and resorts.

Applicant: Is this the marketing department?

Me: Yeah. Are you applying for a marketing position?

Applicant. No. For Communications Officer.

Me: *smilespolitely* Yeah it's the same, actually. Marketing AND Communications Officer.

Applicant: Ahh.

*she stared at my monitor for good minutes*

Applicant: So, you do beach?

Me: WHAT?!

I was like, "where the fudge did that come from? BEACH WHAT??"

Sure I have a photo of a beach displayed on my computer monitor because I was researching about the company I was doing the presentation for but still, her question doesn't sound right.

Grats Applicant! I sincerely, really hope you get the job! Then we can converse every day and I won't have a single boring day woohoo! ;)

P.S. I SERIOUSLY believe she's made for Markets! This early and she's already got Newsbyte! And the BEST I've EVER heard so far. It beat "Can I have Yoga for dinner?" in a snap! :P



clarissahana said...

oh markets how i miss you so hehehe...

Super Little Mum said...

and Markets misses you too Ms. HR! The one who misses you the most?

YOUR boss! :P

Hahaha. How ironic, eh?

clarissahana said...

oh dear lord, i dobut it. i'm sure the boss is happy with what she has right now. i hear she's making cages with padlocks so that all three of you can never leave the office =).