Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Friday, March 27, 2009

letters to my children

My Dearest Little Kuya Giann,

Mum will be honest. I'm worried about leaving you for days but I know you'll be a good boy. Mum will definitely miss you and I know you're going to miss me too but promise me you won't give your lola, ninang, kuya and the maids a hard time, okay?

I will be back soon! With a bonus baby sister for you! :P You may not really be thrilled with her arrival but we'll get there. You're a smart, sweet, very beautiful little kuya and I love you very much. Know that a new baby will not lessen my love for you. Mum actually looks forward to raising Baby Red with you. :)

Make mum proud Kuya Giann! Patiently wait for me like the real, smart, good little Kuya that you are! ;)

I love you. I'll see you soon! 


My Dearest Baby Girl,

I wish I have the best words to tell you how anxious and excited I am to finally see you! Mum will not lie, I am very very very nervous too (that we cried more than once yesterday just thinking about the BIG day!) but we're strong, we'll be fine. :)

Conceiving you may not be as breezy as conceiving your Kuya but I want you to know that it never lessened the joy, love, and anticipation I'm feeling knowing that I'm going to have you. I actually can't wait to hold your tiny, fragile little body while imagining how cute you'd be in pink dresses! :P

We're off to the hospital in a few hours. Mum will yet again undergo painful, annoying medical procedures before having you but much as I'm scared, I will take them like a real woman for they bring me steps closer to finally meeting you.

Mum is really nervous! You must be too. But no worries love, we'll be fine. We have your lola's strength! We're strong and beautiful and we're gonna rock St. Luke's! ;)

Daddy and Kuya Giann will be waiting for us, we should come home soon. 

I love you.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

bulutong scare!

There is an epidemic of chicken pox in this place.

It all started with our neighbour - the first one to get the virus. I couldn't understand why he didn't leave their house to spare his two kids of the virus. His eldest is 4 and the youngest is months younger than Giann. The father is all well now. But both the kids got the virus. It seems to me though that it doesn't bother them one bit. When I went out of the house for a drive, I saw both kids in the streets - playing! With scabs all over their body. And their parents were just there, watching. Didn't they know that 1. sick children should be resting; 2. they should be confined at home to prevent the spread of the airborne virus. No, they probably don't know. Or just don't care.

Now the eldest daughter of Giann’s maid has the virus as well! And she lives upstairs! Giann’s maid, the other maid and her younger sister are all exposed to her, and they all come down here to play/look after Giann! One thing about chicken pox is sometimes, you already have it but you have no idea that you’re a carrier. Pau and I are now afraid that one of them might spread the virus and infect Giann and me! We’re both very susceptible to chicken pox. Giann’s still very young and I am pregnant. Chicken pox, like any infection, is a big NO to any pregnant woman.

Therefore Pau has decided that both Giann and I leave this place until the outbreak has totally subsided. We’re going to be Mummy Lhai’s refugees for days, weeks even!

Too bad Pau won’t be staying with us. He’s got no place to sleep in our little condo! Heh. We’ll definitely miss him. :( But it’s something we gotta do to make sure Giann and Baby Red won’t get infected by chicken pox. Anyway, Pau’s promised to visit us every day and that while he’s in this house, he won’t leave the room or be in contact with the maids so he won’t get the virus. Then again he keeps on insisting that once you already had chicken pox, you get immune to it. But I read somewhere that you can still get the virus long years after your first infection. So yeah. Better safe than sorry!

I knew it. This place is really not good for us!


Saturday, March 21, 2009

So I was right!

I am a master of the specie that we call MALE! :P

The swimming/drinking didn't pursue. Well, it 'kind of' did. But not as planned. It's not in Laguna and it's not going to be overnight. It's just going to be in a condo somewhere in Makati. There'd be lots of drinking and "WoW-talking" and it's gonna be a sausage fest!

So why am I home? Pau didn't want to go if it's not going to be overnight. He doesn't want to drive after drinking. :) If he goes, he just won't have a good time. He knows he's going to stop drinking after two bottles of San Mig Light because he's gonna drive! He's just going to drool and envy our friends who can drink a whole case of beer without having to worry about driving! See, Pau's an educated driver. ;)

I am not gonna lie and say I was saddened by the fact that we didn't go to Pansol for an overnight swimming/drinking. I am actually relieved. I really had bad vibes about it.

I feel sorry for Pau though.

There's always next time! :)


from baneneng

1.Has anyone told you they would never leave and left?
> No.

2.Do you know anyone who would just drop everything to come see you?
> Depends.

3. What is wrong with you right now?
> I've not taken a bath yet!

4. What was the first thing you thought when you wake up?
> Where's Giann?

5. Have you ever faked sick?
> bazillion of times!

6. Who was the last person of the same sex?
> ?

7. Who is the longest crush you have had?
> Hmm. Victor Vasquez?

8.What will you be doing tomorrOW?
> Will come back from swimming.

9. Bet you're missing someone now?
> Yes.

10.Do you get along with guys?
> Yes.

11.Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
> It's Pau's! :)

12. Are your nails painted?
> My toenails are.

13. Ever had someone you like tell you they never want to see or talk to you?
> Yes.

14.Have you ever liked someone older than you?
> Yes.

15.Do you think relationships are ever really worth it?
> Yes.

16. Can you whistle?
> No. But I can fake it to amuse Giann! ;)
17.Do you have a soulmate?
> Yes.

18.Who was the last person you took a picture with?
> Pau.

19. Can you skateboard?
> No.

20. Remember the first time you kissed the last person you kissed?
> Yes.

21.Does it take a lot to make you cry?
> No.

22. Does it annoy you when someone says they’ll call/text, but never do?
> It worries me more than it annoys me.

23. Have you ever hated someone but then ended up liking them?
> Yes.

24. Do you miss your past?
> Parts of it, yes.

25. Are you happy with the way things are going?
> Yes and no.

26. In the past week have you cried?
> No.

27. Today, would you rather go back a week or go forward a week?
> Let's go March 28!

28. Last December how was your heart?
> Was very happy. :)

29. When was the last time you went camping?
> Like never?

30. What was the last thing you purchased?
> Animal toys for Giann! REALLY CHEAP! ;)

31. What are you wearing on your feet?
> None. I'm in bed.

32. Any fun plans for tomorrow?
> Play with Giann!

33. Will this weekend be a good one?
> Hopefully!

34. Is anyone interested in you right now?
> Giann very much is. :P

35. Rent a movie or go to movies?

36. Are you a jealous person?
> I was.

37. Are you good at hiding your feeling?
> Yes and no.


1] Two names you go by?
- Yeng, Millaine

2] Four things you are wearing right now?
> I'm only wearing 2 pieces of clothing!

3] Does someone love you?
- Yes.

5] Have you ever licked a photo ?
- No. But I've kissed a card. :)

6] Have you ever been in LOVE?
- Yes.

7] Do you believe that every one has a soul- mate?
- Yes.

8] What's your current problem?
- I'm broke. :( But I won't be after the bank clears Pau's money. :P

9] Have you ever had your heart broken?
- Yes.

11] Are you a loser?
- No.

12] How many kids do you want to have?
- 2 or 3.

13] What is/are your favorite colors?
- Pink & green.

15] Have you ever found it hard to tell anyone you like them?
- Yes.

16] Imagine you're 40 & your spouse just died would you get re- married?
- I don't want Pau to die!

17] At what age did you start noticing the opposite sex?
- 9? Hahaha. I remember telling Jessica Vasquez when I saw Vic, "ang cute naman ng kuya mo!"

18] What song do you want played at your wedding?
- Hmm.

19] Do you like anyone?
- Yes.

20] Do you think the person you like likes you back?
- Yes.

21] Have you ever wrote a love song? poem?
- Oh I used to write 3-4 poems in a day! Not so much now. I actually haven't in a looong time.

22) Do you want to get married?
- I am married.

23) Are you a shy person?
- No.

24) Did u have a good day today ?
- My day's just starting.

25) Where did u just get back from?
- Sweet slumber! :P

26) What are you thinking about?
- If I have enough money to buy everything I need to buy!!

28) Would you ever go back to any of your past relationships?
- No.

29) Who's the closest person to you?
- Gino Paulooo!
