Friday, March 27, 2009

letters to my children

My Dearest Little Kuya Giann,

Mum will be honest. I'm worried about leaving you for days but I know you'll be a good boy. Mum will definitely miss you and I know you're going to miss me too but promise me you won't give your lola, ninang, kuya and the maids a hard time, okay?

I will be back soon! With a bonus baby sister for you! :P You may not really be thrilled with her arrival but we'll get there. You're a smart, sweet, very beautiful little kuya and I love you very much. Know that a new baby will not lessen my love for you. Mum actually looks forward to raising Baby Red with you. :)

Make mum proud Kuya Giann! Patiently wait for me like the real, smart, good little Kuya that you are! ;)

I love you. I'll see you soon! 


My Dearest Baby Girl,

I wish I have the best words to tell you how anxious and excited I am to finally see you! Mum will not lie, I am very very very nervous too (that we cried more than once yesterday just thinking about the BIG day!) but we're strong, we'll be fine. :)

Conceiving you may not be as breezy as conceiving your Kuya but I want you to know that it never lessened the joy, love, and anticipation I'm feeling knowing that I'm going to have you. I actually can't wait to hold your tiny, fragile little body while imagining how cute you'd be in pink dresses! :P

We're off to the hospital in a few hours. Mum will yet again undergo painful, annoying medical procedures before having you but much as I'm scared, I will take them like a real woman for they bring me steps closer to finally meeting you.

Mum is really nervous! You must be too. But no worries love, we'll be fine. We have your lola's strength! We're strong and beautiful and we're gonna rock St. Luke's! ;)

Daddy and Kuya Giann will be waiting for us, we should come home soon. 

I love you.


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