Sunday, November 30, 2008


Super early birthday dinner with colleagues and friends at Dad's (11/14/08)

(with me love, Ivor) Yes I was famished and yes I was holding the chicken with my bare hands! Yay for me!

With Markets' AMs Gill and Pol :)

Everyone minus myself :P I ditched the dinner early!

Here's how the A's celebrated mummy A's 24th:


AND playing!

And here's a late birthday celeb with my bestest loves in the world (plus Ate, Kuya and Daddy Dan):

Oh and also celebrated with Pau, Mac, Vea and Mcnaire. But we were so Twilight-enthralled and uber hungry to take photos! :P

Thanks to everyone who remembered and greeted me on my not-so-grand-and-happy-birthday :P It wasn't so bad though. Just wasn't uber happy either. But I guess it's the gift of another year that matters so it's good.


Sunday, November 23, 2008

of fears and dreams

I've dreamt about death for two consecutive nights now. And it's not MY death or someone else I know. It's about a child dying. :( I don't know who that child is or exactly how young s/he is but obviously, young enough to be sleeping in a cradle.

One glaring image from both dreams is a cradle all strangled up with sort of like spider webs around it. In my dreams I never cried, but in both occasions I woke up with enormous pang of pain.

I wish it stops tonight. It's bugging.


I fear that because this place is one of the most child-unfriendly and unhealthy environment, Giann would grow up to be like all the other kids here. You should come visit so you know what I'm talking about - they're in streets all day, playing without slippers on, and their feet look like they haven't washed for weeks, they hurt each other with their parents all amused and even coerce them to fight even more! Or I'm afraid Giann would end up adapting their "kanto" language. Bunganga is NOT Tagalog for mouth, friggin stupids.

I'm also afraid that my second child would not be as beautiful as I am surrounded by ugly people. Call me shallow but I worry about that far too much. The maids, their children, everyone here is ugly with only Pau, Giann and myself as exceptions! And when I say ugly I don't mean just physical ugliness - it's EVERY ASPECT kind of ugliness. Even this place is ugly.

I'd rather be conceiving my baby and raising Giann somewhere nicer. To live in our condo would be grand and what I really want in the first place but I've already scratched that option the night I was sent back here.

But you should know how sophisticated and learned and elegant and smart my shobe and EJ speak and act. Would put every person in this place to shame.

Now I am really really hoping high quality education would help me raise beautiful and smart children as this environment will never ever be able to.


Saturday, November 22, 2008

now i'm a real MUMMY!

My body is seriously deteriorating.

Yesterday morning I woke up with numbness pain - WHOLE BODY particularly my left arm. I could barely stand up.

So I called my mum and she's ordered me to go on a check-up. I did and I found out that my body's running out of vitamins, vitamin B in particular, because the baby is sucking up all my nutrients. Which is a good thing if only it's not making me half a cripple. I told my mum about the result of the check-up and she's made me realise something very very true about my second pregnancy:

"Sabi ko na nga ba vitamins deficiency yan! Nag-aagawan kasi kayo ng nutrients ng baby mo. Nung buntis ka kay Giann, hindi ka nagkaganyan kasi malakas na malakas ka nun. Unang baby mo sha, lagi ka lang nagpapahinga at kumpleto ka pa sa vitamins. Eh ngayon, more than a year ka pa lang nakakapanganak, hindi pa mashado nakakabawi katawan mo sa nutrients kasi nagpabreastfeed ka pa tapos may umaagaw na namin ng vitamins mo. Kaya lagi kay may sakit at kaya sumasakit pakiramdam mo. Kaya dapat talaga uminom ka ng mga vitamins para sayo at para sa baby."

She made perfect sense. Exactly why this pregnancy is very very much harder than when I was pregnant with Giann. Also the doctor said all pregnancies are different. Having Giann might have been a breeze for me (except for the pre-eclamtic part, the whole 9 months I was concieving Giann went perfectly fine) but that doesn't mean this pregnancy would be as relaxed.

But you know what they say when you're having a really tough pregnancy?

It's a girl! :P


Alrighty I gotta go get some much needed rest.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

aside from not fitting in my old clothes...

All the things listed above, I'm experiencing. See, you'll never get the most beautiful thing without having to work hard for it. Life's like that. But no I am not really complaining. I can be whingy about bazillion of things but pregnancy is not one of them. Sure I go like "I FEEL HORRIBLY TERRIBLE." (yes horrible and terrible in one sentence!) but I know it's something I need to go through to get me one day closer to having another amazing blessing in my life. :)


I skipped work today for no other reason than the fact that I am lethargic. But now, I feel nauseous and my WHOLE body hurts like shit. And I'm sleepy even though I just woke up less than 30 minutes ago. :P

Man I'm the laziest person in the history of lazy people!


Sunday, November 16, 2008

stupid Friendster

So they've been on maintenance for like forever. It wouldn't have bothered me if only I'm not waiting for someone's message! Today I log on it, only to realise that I am NOT friends with my husband. Like we've been friends for 10 years, married for almost 2 years, we see each other every single day, and sleep together too, and oh he also happens to be the father of my children! But Friendster decided that we shouldn't be friends and prolly deleted us from each other's friends' lists.

And I actually don't know who the hell is that Alison (the one who's supposedly serve us our 'connection')

Good job Friendster!


Saturday, November 15, 2008


I can friggin relate much!


Something Pau is very good at (aside from excessive WoW-playing) is this:

Pau's acrylic painting of Mt. Arayat. :)

Galing diba? *beams*

He's got a self-portrait too. I have yet to take a photo of it. Oh and a tiny sketch of my photo too! :P


Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Happy "37th" birthday HV!



You know I don't like HR people very much, but you're my favourite HR person! :P Well, I guess you are EVERYONE's favourite! Mygod your line is always busy and you always have 'someone' at your post!

I love you HV. And again okay... EVERYONE LOVES YOU! EVERYONE LOVES CLARISSA! :P Haha.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

i couldn't find words


I've been wanting to write about something but I wanted to make my first entry about it amazingly beautiful it would top all my other past entries. Well, okay, at least be at par with how I talk about having Giann.

3 months after I still don't know what to say. Heh.

So I guess I should just say it like it is.

I'm four months pregnant with my second child! :)

I know I said I won't be pregnant until Pau and Giann are mature/old enough for another baby. I was surprised though. I told Pau about it and he was ecstatic. He put Giann on his lap and was like, "now you're all mine!" Of course Giann protested. :P But I was relieved to know that I'd only have a hard time with Giann. Pau's embraced his fatherhood. Although his mum still hasn't. But anyway... I'm really excited to have another baby! Pregnancy is hard and makes me uber fat but it's a worthwhile experience. Nothing will ever beat the feeling of having a baby. Really.

Now I'm super excited to know if she's a she or a he! I want a she. I want a little Yeng! :P Giann IS a little Yeng in so many ways but I can't dress him up with cute pink dresses! Haha. At the same time I want another he, so he can defend himself when Giann wrestles him! :P I'm actually preparing myself for Royal Rumble in our room. Heh.

But of course it's not an entire glorious ride. My BP shoots up every day. When I was pregnant with Giann, I was pre-eclamtic. One reason why I delivered via CS. But now, my BP's shooting up every single day. Makes me feel terrible. I guess it's because when I was pregnant with Giann, I only have to look after myself and focus on my pregnancy. Now I commute every single day to work, I have CRL for a boss (worst ever!), I stress over work, then when I get home I have Pau and Giann to look after. It's NOT easy. My pregnancy with Giann was a breeze. I live with mum then and was well taken cared of. Now, I only have myself. There's Pau but he's a boy! He's not FULLY aware of what it's like to be pregnant - to have your hormones work overtime, get silly morning sickness, and feel sleepy 70% of the day.

But overall the baby and I are the doing good. :) Of course Giann wrestles us most of the time but he's okay. I have to worry about his being possesive of me when his little sibling comes but I guess every first born had to go through that process. Giann's a smart kid; I know he'll handle. :) And just because I've a new born doesn't mean I'll take him for granted. Giann's too much of a cutie to be neglected!

P.S. Now y'all know why I'm such a lazy terrible blogger the past months.

Super P.S. I realised I've weird menstrual period. When Ate announced she was pregnant I had monthly period but now I'm actually going to deliver days earlier than she! It was also the same case for Giann - I still had my period although I'm already a month pregnant with him.


changing urls and updating blog

Last entry for

Changing urls right after!

P.S. Don't get confused, I still am a superlilmum. ;-)


Saturday, November 8, 2008

this just in

I was reading the news and noted, "Obama will be a first lady who is a lawyer and working mother, with degrees from Princeton and Harvard." I was amazed. So was Pau and he was like, "bakit yung iba mga walang kwenta, housewife lang?"

"HEY WAG MONG SABIHIN YAN! PANGARAP KO YUNG MAGING HOUSEWIFE. Don't you know that it takes a real strong woman to build a home?"

Well, I think the more appropriate term is housemother. It takes a great deal of patience and understanding and love - to be able to keep your family together, to teach your kids things they will never learn in school, to always greet your husband with a smile, to prepare their things, to devote to them your time.

So they're not just housewives or housemothers or however they choose to call it. They are women of love and strength. :)
