Sunday, November 16, 2008

stupid Friendster

So they've been on maintenance for like forever. It wouldn't have bothered me if only I'm not waiting for someone's message! Today I log on it, only to realise that I am NOT friends with my husband. Like we've been friends for 10 years, married for almost 2 years, we see each other every single day, and sleep together too, and oh he also happens to be the father of my children! But Friendster decided that we shouldn't be friends and prolly deleted us from each other's friends' lists.

And I actually don't know who the hell is that Alison (the one who's supposedly serve us our 'connection')

Good job Friendster!


1 comment:

♥ Mitsikoy ♥ said...

sooo cute.. kuya giann in barong! :)