Sunday, November 30, 2008


Super early birthday dinner with colleagues and friends at Dad's (11/14/08)

(with me love, Ivor) Yes I was famished and yes I was holding the chicken with my bare hands! Yay for me!

With Markets' AMs Gill and Pol :)

Everyone minus myself :P I ditched the dinner early!

Here's how the A's celebrated mummy A's 24th:


AND playing!

And here's a late birthday celeb with my bestest loves in the world (plus Ate, Kuya and Daddy Dan):

Oh and also celebrated with Pau, Mac, Vea and Mcnaire. But we were so Twilight-enthralled and uber hungry to take photos! :P

Thanks to everyone who remembered and greeted me on my not-so-grand-and-happy-birthday :P It wasn't so bad though. Just wasn't uber happy either. But I guess it's the gift of another year that matters so it's good.



♥ Mitsikoy ♥ said...

wow inggit naman ako.. dibale, malapit na kami uwi. :)

Super Little Mum said...

yay for the holidays! :)