Sunday, November 23, 2008

of fears and dreams

I've dreamt about death for two consecutive nights now. And it's not MY death or someone else I know. It's about a child dying. :( I don't know who that child is or exactly how young s/he is but obviously, young enough to be sleeping in a cradle.

One glaring image from both dreams is a cradle all strangled up with sort of like spider webs around it. In my dreams I never cried, but in both occasions I woke up with enormous pang of pain.

I wish it stops tonight. It's bugging.


I fear that because this place is one of the most child-unfriendly and unhealthy environment, Giann would grow up to be like all the other kids here. You should come visit so you know what I'm talking about - they're in streets all day, playing without slippers on, and their feet look like they haven't washed for weeks, they hurt each other with their parents all amused and even coerce them to fight even more! Or I'm afraid Giann would end up adapting their "kanto" language. Bunganga is NOT Tagalog for mouth, friggin stupids.

I'm also afraid that my second child would not be as beautiful as I am surrounded by ugly people. Call me shallow but I worry about that far too much. The maids, their children, everyone here is ugly with only Pau, Giann and myself as exceptions! And when I say ugly I don't mean just physical ugliness - it's EVERY ASPECT kind of ugliness. Even this place is ugly.

I'd rather be conceiving my baby and raising Giann somewhere nicer. To live in our condo would be grand and what I really want in the first place but I've already scratched that option the night I was sent back here.

But you should know how sophisticated and learned and elegant and smart my shobe and EJ speak and act. Would put every person in this place to shame.

Now I am really really hoping high quality education would help me raise beautiful and smart children as this environment will never ever be able to.


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