Saturday, November 22, 2008

now i'm a real MUMMY!

My body is seriously deteriorating.

Yesterday morning I woke up with numbness pain - WHOLE BODY particularly my left arm. I could barely stand up.

So I called my mum and she's ordered me to go on a check-up. I did and I found out that my body's running out of vitamins, vitamin B in particular, because the baby is sucking up all my nutrients. Which is a good thing if only it's not making me half a cripple. I told my mum about the result of the check-up and she's made me realise something very very true about my second pregnancy:

"Sabi ko na nga ba vitamins deficiency yan! Nag-aagawan kasi kayo ng nutrients ng baby mo. Nung buntis ka kay Giann, hindi ka nagkaganyan kasi malakas na malakas ka nun. Unang baby mo sha, lagi ka lang nagpapahinga at kumpleto ka pa sa vitamins. Eh ngayon, more than a year ka pa lang nakakapanganak, hindi pa mashado nakakabawi katawan mo sa nutrients kasi nagpabreastfeed ka pa tapos may umaagaw na namin ng vitamins mo. Kaya lagi kay may sakit at kaya sumasakit pakiramdam mo. Kaya dapat talaga uminom ka ng mga vitamins para sayo at para sa baby."

She made perfect sense. Exactly why this pregnancy is very very much harder than when I was pregnant with Giann. Also the doctor said all pregnancies are different. Having Giann might have been a breeze for me (except for the pre-eclamtic part, the whole 9 months I was concieving Giann went perfectly fine) but that doesn't mean this pregnancy would be as relaxed.

But you know what they say when you're having a really tough pregnancy?

It's a girl! :P


Alrighty I gotta go get some much needed rest.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow Yeng congrats! una kala ko nwala kna sa blogspot then un pla nag iba k lng url. hehe. but anyhow, sana girl naman this time :)