Friday, October 31, 2008

my main man

Because I do not have the right words to say...

how blessed I am to have you

how thankful I am for this day

how wonderful life is with you

and how amazing that love grows despite and in spite of.

Here you go:

God knows how many times I've ran away from you. But you silently wait in one corner (because you're just that freakin patient when it comes to me!), knowing I'd be back. It's hard to breathe without your air.

Happy happy birthday to my happy pill! :)


Friday, October 24, 2008

let's burn this!

Ever since Giann and I left this house and was forced to come back, I hated this house more. If that's even possible.

And everyone else in it except for Pau. He's the only one that makes sense in this house. And makes living in this house at least a bit sensible.

If I have it my way I'd leave this house for good, take Giann out of their pathetic lives and laugh while I'm at it.

Stupid maids, who do they think they are?

Really, I terribly terribly hate it when people cannot and do not mind their own friggin lives. And talk behind my back. Them and their pea-sized brains. ANNOYING.

I'm sorry for whinging but OMFG take me out of this place.

I'm thinking of getting a new maid for Giann but I'm sure nobody would agree with me. Well, except for Pau. He won't really agree. He just won't disagree either. But everyone else... I'm sure they'd throw me bazillion reasons why I shouldn't get a new maid.

But I guess no one should make such a decision when they're hormonal.

Monday, October 20, 2008

1,2, dance!

let go of what kills you ...and hold on to what keeps you breathing

This is the shit when the one that keeps you alive is the same thing that kills you. Turns you into a zombie.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

made me laugh

“It's no good pretending that any relationship has a future if your record collections disagree violently or if your favorite films wouldn't even speak to each other if they met at a party.”
-- Nick Hornby

Sunday, October 5, 2008

move over leonardo!

I must've been an artist in my previous life.

Pau and I were in a bookstore looking for a sketchpad for his Art Appreciation class. Then all of a sudden I saw those blue staedler pencils!

Me: oh you need these pencils for sketching...
Pau: bakit?
Me: they're really made for sketching! they're sketch pencils!
Pau: ows? pano mo alam?
Me: *confused* ewan! basta alam ko lang!

Turns out I was right. The saleslady confirmed my "artist" instinct. Those blue staedler pencils really are for sketching.

Therefore I was an artist in my previous life. Bow.

Hahaha. Truth is, I think it was just pretty obvious that they are sketch pencils. Or maybe one of my subjects in college required me to use one. *shrugs*


Something I realised while watching Pau fit a 501:

I don't have a single pair of jeans.

I've thousand sweatpants, million tights, bazillion minis and gazillion dresses but NOT a pair of jeans.


I tried buying some. But I get home, try them on and realise I'm never going to wear them. So I give them away.

I hate jeans. They're rough on skin.
