Sunday, October 5, 2008

move over leonardo!

I must've been an artist in my previous life.

Pau and I were in a bookstore looking for a sketchpad for his Art Appreciation class. Then all of a sudden I saw those blue staedler pencils!

Me: oh you need these pencils for sketching...
Pau: bakit?
Me: they're really made for sketching! they're sketch pencils!
Pau: ows? pano mo alam?
Me: *confused* ewan! basta alam ko lang!

Turns out I was right. The saleslady confirmed my "artist" instinct. Those blue staedler pencils really are for sketching.

Therefore I was an artist in my previous life. Bow.

Hahaha. Truth is, I think it was just pretty obvious that they are sketch pencils. Or maybe one of my subjects in college required me to use one. *shrugs*


Something I realised while watching Pau fit a 501:

I don't have a single pair of jeans.

I've thousand sweatpants, million tights, bazillion minis and gazillion dresses but NOT a pair of jeans.


I tried buying some. But I get home, try them on and realise I'm never going to wear them. So I give them away.

I hate jeans. They're rough on skin.


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