Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Because I was so eager to go home yesterday, I talked Pau into riding a non-airconditioned bus. He was reluctant at first but when I'm eager, I won't take no for an answer and he knew it. So we rode a non-airconditioned Dela Rosa bus on our way home. I was super giddy as I felt the wind blowing on my face and I didn't mind that it would mess my hair up! I was happy and I felt like I was in a rollercoaster haha. But an hour on that bus ride and this is how my right arm looks like now:

We were seated on the side where the sun was shining. It was 2 in the afternoon! I love the sun and I would've liked it if he kissed me ALL OVER. Then I would have an early "summer skin." But instead, he made my right arm look like a chiffon slice. Grats me.

Now, Pau would tease me by singing "uling uling uling ulinglingling..." Before it was "chingching taba taba chingching..." Yeah, we watch those Sexbomb series on TV. :P

I am now officially a chiffon cake. thankyouverymuch.

Oh. Here's another photo. ;) NOT of my right arm!


He's payat now cause he was sick (and was hospitalised) for a week. The reason why I wasn't an active blogger for days.



Nhe said...
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Nhe said...

Hey, Sexbomb fanatics! Hahaha!

2 in the afternoon? It will damage your skin!

Anyway, every time Sonny will go to Laguna, he will also take the non-air-conditioned bus that usually pass by the Skyway... Yeah, a rollercoaster ride!

What happened to Giann?.. He’s such a cutie!

♥ Mitsikoy ♥ said...

bayengyeng... nangayayat nga si giann pero cute pa din! miss ko na yan... hiramin ko kaya yan dito sa malaysia.. payag ka? hehehe! hope he's okay now! good luck to ur job hunting. ;) mwah!

Super Little Mum said...

@Nhe nagka rota virus sha. :( gastroenteritis! pooping and puking like crazy! :(
@Ate naku, eh hindi ko nga kayang maglast ng isang buong araw na hindi ko nakikita si giann eh! :P