Monday, March 17, 2008

eternal thought.

Love in itself is great. But in some situations, I'm afraid it is not enough. Relationships need more than just love. It needs TIME and ATTENTION.

I wish love REALLY makes the world go round. Sadly, it does not. Love is grand, alright. But to build a life together and hold on to it forever, you have to have more than love.

It's true that people show love in different ways. And if my idea of loving is different from yours, we may have a problem. BUT exactly why there are such things as respect and communication and patience and understanding. If we lack those too, then we indeed have a problem.

Shall we move on and blame it all on midlife crisis?

I am not crying for myself and you know that. I am crying for the little boy who needs you.


Anonymous said...

Don't blame it on midlife crisis. you are barely in the beginning of adulthood.I don't know how it feels to be a mother, but I definitely know how it feels to be a wife. It's not easy. You guys have it going pretty well, you have maids in the house, love and support from both sides of your family. I see it only as Paulo needing some "growing up" to do and you have to help him with that. Both of your boys need YOUR time and attention. But you'll pull it through together I'm sure. Marriage is a learning process but shouldn't be looked at like a job. Shoot, I have to wake up early, I have to cook, clean and wash clothes and go to work and school.It's hard, but I don't see doing all these hard work for anyone else other than my husband. And my unborn children. Good luck to both of you, pero ngayon pa lang, swerte na kayo, lalo na you have Giann :)Hugs*

♥ Mitsikoy ♥ said...

Yeng, there is no perfect marriage. When you got married you promised to accept him as he is. You know you didn't marry a person to change him. You know him like that even before, and when you decided to marry him, it also means you decided to accept him whoever he is - not only the good things about him. Anyway, baka naman away bata lang yan. Hehehe! Just remember, this too shall pass... :) be strong. You love each other, you both know it. And giann is the icing on top of the cake. Hehehe! Yummy! Loveu! :)

Super Little Mum said...

someone once told me that people don't change, they learn. and when they do, they learn for the better. i married an immature and irresponsible guy alright. but when giann came, it's an entirely different story and someone with brains should realise that. i am not hurting for myself. i am crying for the little boy who lets out eternal giggles when his father FINALLY decides to spare him a minute or two. i don't need maids. i need a husband and giann needs a father. and if pau can't be that, it makes me ask what the hell am i doing here?

Nhe said...

i think every couple experience that.. just hang on dude..

Super Little Mum said...

yeah dude. it's natural and unnatural both at the same time.