Saturday, December 13, 2008


So I'm here in our condo because I attended a meeting with the other teachers of this company I now "work" for. "Work" because I don't really work for them, and talking to someone in english for like 10-20 minutes is something I don't consider as work. ;) But it's good. I get half as much as I used to when I was still with The Firm and I only work 4 hours a day (only 3 hours if we don't count the breaks in between) so if I'll work for like 8 hours, I'd get just as much as I used to without having to commute every day for long hours, inhale the fumes of the doomed building and be all stressed out. Plus I get to be with Giann all the time! (except the 4 hours that I need to be on Skype) It's a pretty good deal. ;) My blood pressure's controlled now ever since I stopped working for The Firm. I'm not kidding.

Anyway, I was a little worried to leave Giann here at first because I was afraid that he'd throw tantrums and all but I came home from the meeting and I saw my giggling little bub playing with his Kuya EJ! Even my mum was ecstatic to see them playing because they were giggling and laughing and running! :)


I told my mum about Giann being all clingy to me and all she said was, "hay mahihirapan ka pag nanganak ka na..." but just that! She didn't say, "mali ka kasi...blah blah blah." I love how cool she is. How she doesn't underestimate me as a mother, how she continually reminds me of certain things but still letting me be in control and how she knows when to let me go and when to pull me back. She's the bestest. EVER. I'd be quick to admit that I can't top her!


I'm wearing my new Dorothy Perkins' mini dress and Giann spoilt it with chocolate. Haha. And it seemed like he knew that he did something wrong because he looked at me almost crying and I was like, "I'm not mad. It's just a dress. I love you more." Then he rubbed his chocolate-stained face on my dress, spoiling it even more. Hahaha.


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