Tuesday, July 8, 2008

ode to him :)

The grandest love is not the one that drives you crazy.

It is the one that bares you wholly, and beats you during your weakest, most exposed self. It pains you so much you curse it. It stresses you and hurts you. But when all is said and done, you still choose to love that love. To hold on to that love. To hope, have faith and work on that love.

Love is a decision. The thing that drives you crazy is merely a feeling. But when you've exhausted all the feelings, and you know with your whole heart you still want that love, you're lucky.

The grandest love is not the one with all the extreme emotions vying for your attention thus leaving you all confused. Sometimes, the best kind of love is slow and steady - comforting, familiar yet it never fails to make you gush like the first time.




Nhe said...

it's my turn to say the magic words: i can so relate! ;p

that's a great post, yeng! that's exactly how i felt last weekend! genius!

missing you!

clarissahana said...
