Tuesday, May 6, 2008

please don't stop the music

So I'm still goddamn awake.

I blame it on the fact that I've stopped taking antihistamines since yesterday. Ergo, no instant sleeping pills for me. Last night, I've spent a couple of hours watching the raid from Mac's (meaning mine) PC hoping something will interest me because I was bored and itching and annoyed and mad. But sadly, nothing interesting happened until I was able to force my eyes shut. Tonight's actually one of the rare times that Pau's asleep before me. And it's also the first time in weeks when it's almost midnight and I'm still up and about. The past few weeks, come nine in the evening and I'm already in dreamland. Not tonight. And last night. Boo.

I blame it on this freakin allergies. My skin's so ugly just when it was almost stretch-marks-free. I was almost hysterical because I can finally wear minis again since god knows when. Then this happened. I took photos of my allergies but they're too ugly to be shown.

I blame it on my work and how I've spent days doing this Midyear Business Review and pretending and forcing myself to know about it (as if I care really) and attending meetings with high-end people from all over listening to them discuss about the most uninteresting topics - from Shareholder Value Awards to tax issues to whines about The Firm's services to gossips. Argh. I'm actually attending yet another lunch meeting tomorrow to "discuss" one of those issues. Save me from the fires of hell!!!

I blame it on the past week when I've slept for 9-10 hours a day. Last Thursday I've spent the WHOLE day sleeping. Like for real. So now, the sleep bugs aren't coming to visit me anytime soon.

I blame it on a lot of things. I blame it on myself.

Please, just let me sleep now.

Good night world.


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