Tuesday, May 13, 2008

the donkey and the carrot

Days ago, one of our Indian interns told us an analogy about the donkey and the carrot in relation to making a relationship work. The donkey being your partner; you being the "driver" of the donkey and a carrot as a means to "control" your donkey. He said if your donkey doesn't want to obey you, you must make him by using a carrot.

Today, I amended his story:

"You know what I think? If your donkey's too stubborn to follow you, just get off the donkey and find a new one to ride!"

He laughed and said, "All donkeys get smart, you know."

It was my turn to laugh. Well, I wasn't being serious to begin with.

Seriously, I don't believe there are formulas to relationships. What works for one may not work for all. Each relationship is different as each person involved in them is, too. No analogy can guarantee that a relationship will be successful. No theory can ensure a relationship will work. Only the people involved in it can.

P.S. Hana suggested, "how about hitting the donkey with the carrot? HARD ON THE HEAD!"


Today I also learnt that some things aren't what they seem. And most of the time, just when you're uber sure you guessed right, you thought wrong. :)



Nhe said...

P.S. Hana suggested, "how about hitting the donkey with the carrot? HARD ON THE HEAD!"

-i love it! haha!

Super Little Mum said...

haha I know right? :P

Anonymous said...

ok, i dont get this theory! what does the carrot has to do with the donkey?? do donkey's eat carrots??? why treat donkey's as if they're rabbits!? no wonder the donkey don't follow the driver! ;p

Super Little Mum said...

wow that's a good observation ate kat! :)
