Wednesday, May 14, 2008

because that's what we do

I ENJOYED work today!

This is history.

God, please screw our network every day. :P Then we can spend the whole day in deep conversations about economics, culture, arts, religion and language! That is, if we're with the interns. If it's just Pol, Hana, Gill and myself, then we'd spend the whole day boss bashing. :P "Because that's what we do!" Haha.

I learnt something new today! Well, lots actually. :) Exactly why I love conversing with all types of people. Aside from learning what makes them tick, I love knowing what they know. So what if it has to do with Purchasing Power Parity (among other things)? Still is interesting, at least to a certain degree. :P

So yeah, today's a great day. Because conversations over coffee (so much more if it's free :P) is one of the few things I am real passionate about.

Because I'm boring like that! :P

P.S. I need to get a new ring.


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