Friday, May 16, 2008


Today's the first time I spent a night out with friends. Well, at least after the LONGEST time. So long I actually forgot when was the last time I went out for the night and went home around midnight! I'm proud of myself. :P And although it's a fact that I felt a bit guilty for not being the one to put Giann to sleep, I kind of believe I owe myself a break. Not really from motherhood but from work and insert-all-other-stressful-matters-here.

So tonight's a grand time! And it was also the first time in YEARS when I got to walk/run/scream in the rain! I should feel annoyed but nope, not really. ;)

Good conversation + good cheap food + good fun + good company = grand time.

Alrighty I'm retiring to bed.


P.S. Hana, you know I need our "pair" photos tonight. I owe them to this blog! :P


clarissahana said...

Ms. Ambayec, as requested, I have posted our pictures in my Multiply site. Thanks for dinner dearie! hehehe...=)

Super Little Mum said...

oh why thankyou Mrs. Gahol! :P haha. and omg you have a blog and i can't access it. :(

P.S. have fun at YOUR wedding! :P and oh, watch out for Abin Sarkar!

clarissahana said...

The wedding was so much fun. But the bad part was that the groom said that Philip was going to be the next one in their barkada to get married. Hello!?! No way! That's the curse of their barkada. The groom points out who will be next. Argh! Btw, I just realized I gave Abin the wrong address. The wedding and reception was held at Forbes and not Bel-Air hehehe... :)

Super Little Mum said...

hahaha :P see i was right all along... MRS. GAHOL! woohoo! :P

and poor Abin. :( he was so eager you know... LOL.