Saturday, December 6, 2008


I know this is like super weeks late but whatever. I just want to say that I don't like Twilight the movie. Not as much as I adore the books. I'm sorry Robert Pattinson fans (especially to my Baneneng) but he doesn't do MY Edward justice! Like really. Not even close to the Edward I had in mind when I was reading the book. Robert Pattinson burst my bubble more kthxbye.

But anyway, of course it is expected that the book is better. I'm not at all surprised. And of course the producers didn't have someone like me in mind when they came up with the movie. I'm not its target audience. Maybe if I'm like 15 or 16 then I would be drooling over (and writing his name inside tiny little hearts haha!) Robert Pattinson as Edward. So yeah, I forgive it.


I was in Rockwell yesterday, doing some early (well, okay this is relative) Christmas shopping and just because I want to go there. And man, as soon as I entered this toy store, like 10 of its sales people gathered around me, each one holding at least two toys to FORCE to me. Wow, do they really know how to harass a customer! I wonder if the first requirement to be a sales clerk is to pass the "how-to-harass-your-customers-101" training. But yeah, I ended up buying something for my big Kuya EJ and it's now sitting on our mini bar. :P


And I am like friggin tired. So goodnight good night.



Nhe said...

Haha! An office mate of mine said that Rob Pattinson looks like a local actor in the movie but i said that he's much cuter.. Haha!

Super Little Mum said...

he's just not an eye candy for me. :( like for real.