Friday, February 27, 2009

screw you A (as how he fondly calls himself)


And a pregnant woman organised it. :P

THE Board Meeting & Cocktail Party turned out to be excruciatingly tiring. Everyone was faking everything. I was amazed! We had 5 power interruptions. And it had to happen during the Board Meeting. On second thought, it would be much worse if they occurred during the cocktails.

My encounter with the first foreign partner I ever got to meet was of him saying really fast, in a very distinct Australian accent, and in a very annoyed manner: "man you should've been here 10 minutes ago! i was promised 5 cars here 10 minutes ago!" and I was just staring at him, taken aback by 1. his accent that I was so used to hearing and how it sounded so foreign because the one speaking is being a jerk; 2. his "kasungitan" because duh "HI? HELLO? GOOD MORNING? WHAT'S YOUR NAME?"; 3. the fact that it WAS NOT MY FAULT THE CAR WAS LATE. I've been waiting for it for almost an hour too, you know!

The rest of them seem nice though. I got to meet a number of them, talked to some, laughed with a few, and harassed everyone of them! I like my relationships mutual you know.

I found myself intently listening to the interviews conducted by a local broadsheet with our top foreign officials. And I heard myself mutter "BS!" for like bazillion of times during the interview with the Philippine chairman. Haha.

Things I've learned from THE Cocktail Party:

1. Our officers are self-absorbed whores. I've always known this. The Cocktails cemented that belief.
2. I can come to work early IF I really try. Tough luck I always don't. Except for the week of the cocktails.
3. The rest of the world despise NOT being on time. Except Filipinos!
4. THE CHICK is a flirt. And she uses her "I'm so drunk" excuse to cover up for it!
5. How I miss hearing an Australian speak. "DAMANDAMA!" :P

But yeah overall, it was fun. Cocktails always are!

BUT I hope it's the last one I ever have to organise! I'm still tired as hell.



Anonymous said...

i would like to say i'm jealous that i wasn't a part of this event but then again, maybe not. just imagaining the stress and the hassle that comes from having a part of such events makes me glad that i don't have to deal with that on a large scale basis anymore.

nice picture though. you look very important hehehe...

much love,
anonymous but i'm sure you can guess who this is.... =)

Super Little Mum said...


I WAS IMPORTANT! I have the money, the programme, the connection with everyone. I can proudly say the CHICK wouldn't have handled without me! :P The bad part is, I never got to sit down. I was walking all around, making sure everything was fine!

I should've invited you! I even told HER that! Hehe. THE MARKETS GROUP MISSES YOU! :(

Anonymous said...

Tsk, tsk, tsk...I'm not Ivor kaya. =)

Super Little Mum said...


Anonymous said...

hay, yengski. nope hindi. tsk, tsk,'s okay if you don't remember me na. ganyan talaga pag-umaalis ng Firm kinakalumutan na yung mga iniwan.

Super Little Mum said...

EH KASI NAMAN! YOU USED TO BE CLARISSAHANA!!! Tapos ngayon Anonymous na... ganyan talaga pag lumilipat na ng floor! :P haha.

P.S. I love you most! :)

Anonymous said...

ikaw naman, i was trying to keep my identity a secret no! hehehe...