Saturday, February 28, 2009

Baby Red

We've finally named her! :)

Yes, I am having a mini-me! Lucky lucky me! I'll get to buy those cute pink dresses, doll houses and Barbie dolls! Yay! Don't get me wrong, I enjoy buying balls and guns and t-shirts and shorts too. But they're not as fun as pink dresses! For one, they're not PINK. :P

See, for the time being, Pau and I couldn't agree with what to name our little baby girl. The names we came out with before suddenly didn't seem appropriate for our angel. But we've finally found the perfect name -- RENEI DANIELLE. :)

The next problem we had was the nickname:

Mommy Lhai: Ren-Ren na lang!
Me: Ano ka ba Ma? Ang panget! Pang-Pitong Gatang talaga! Parang yung name nung batang kalaro ni Giann, Nik-Nik? Nik-Nok? Nok-Nok? Ah basta parang ganun!
Mommy Lhai: Eh bakit san ba sha nakatira?
Pau: *laughs*
Me: Ah basta ayoko! Lei na lang!
Mommy Lhai: Baka maconfuse sha sakin "ano ba to, lola ko Lhai, ako Lei!" Elle na lang!
Me: Pwede din... Panget naman kasi ng Nei parang "neigh" ng horse!
Mommy Lhai: Ah RED na lang!
Pau: Ayun maganda!
Me: Tama RED na lang.
Pau: Tapos mga damit niya puro red and pink lang! Basta shade ng red...

And ergo, I am carrying Baby Red. :)

She's going to be a beaut! ♥


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