Sunday, January 4, 2009

how are you, 2009?

Giann and I welcomed the new year with... POOP!

My little bub have had diarrhea since the 31st until just yesterday. Today, he's back to his old takaw self! :P

Anyway, I've photos for you dear blog. But not one of new year's eve because I almost made it to the list of injured-and-or-dead-because-of-friggin-firecrackers. No I'm not kidding. Thanks Paulo and stupid neighbours I curse this place even more. And it's the new year wow.

But anyhoo...

Giann: "I'm way cuter than my dad!"

I ♥♥♥ THEM! :)

Ang mga tamad. BOW.


Yesterday, the whole fam decided to travel to Bay, Laguna just to have lunch. Yes, we're crazy that way. :P Imagine my dad drove like 65 KM just to have lunch! But it was fun. :) Although after we passed UPLB Pau was like, "tulog ka lang Be, pag gising mo, dinner na!" It was a long drive but it was worth it. Whatever is nothing compared to spending time with my loves. ;)

This is where we had lunch. Well, not exactly *there* because that one's in Quezon. But it's the same resto.

Mum, Ate, Giann and the fatso (A MUST READ: the words on Giann's shirt! :P)

Ang mga matatakaw. BOW.

Kuya EJ and Daddy Dan :)

Kim and Ken (Kuya Jay-ar's nephews) with Kuya EJ

And that, my people, is how I've spent the first week of 2009. Can't wait for Daddy Dan's birthday! :D


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