Thursday, August 7, 2008

how I love/hate Nietzsche

From this day forward:

♥ I will take it like a real girl. Someone I deeply care about is hostile to me. Living here is not nice. I will suck it up and take it like a girl. I'll chalk them up to the "not-so-outstanding-results-of-my-decisions" category. And really, there are bazillion other things worse than these.

♥ I will cherish Pau more. He once said, "he'll never find another Yeng." (he = a friend looking for love) And the truth is, I'll never find another Pau too. :)

♥ I will TRY to stop hating being here. Because like, complaining does nothing but trouble me more. TRY is the mega-multi-billionaire keyword there.

♥ I will stop wishing for things that will probably never happen. Or has come and gone already. Enough said.

♥ I will save more money. Because in two words: Pau and Giann.

♥ I will slow down and appreciate.

Okay I should stop now. I've listed one too many things I might lose track of them. :P I am not really a big fan of "resolutions" especially the ones you write for the new year. But screw it, it's not a new year! And this list is more like personal promises more than anything. So yeah.


Pau has such a silly (in a nice way) plan for Giann.

"Giann, when you're big enough to appreciate, say like when 3 or 4, I will take you to a jeepney/tricycle/train ride! Just so you experience how it's like to ride public transportation."

Made me smile.


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