Saturday, July 19, 2008


Since there's no fridaysfeast for this week, let's do friday fill-ins instead!

1. If I could be a fly on the wall I would avoid fly papers and insect catchers!

2. Jealousy is something I was good at but now I realised it's just a waste of emotions.

3. When I see a shooting star my wish would be that I can't tell you because it won't come true!

4. I'd rather be happy (and there) than sad (and here) any day!

5. Certain songs when I hear them make me wanna laugh and cry at the same time.

6. If time were in a bottle I would sprinkle it on things I want to keep forever.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to well it's not a friday anymore but I spent last night crying then sleeping, tomorrow my plans include (which means today) go to Manila, have Giann's hair cut and attend my cousin's birthday party and Sunday, I want to celebrate the grandest and happiest 1st birthday ever! :)


The person who's supposed to "teach" me about Iglesia ni Cristo didn't come today. Lucky, lucky Yeng.


Ate and Kuya are arriving today! Happiness. ♥



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