Friday, May 23, 2008

of Facebook and fridaysfeast

Ironic how Facebook stopped being cool just when it became the "IT" social networking site. It was way much fun when I only had 12 friends on it! :P Superpoking people was fun! Giving and receiving those growing and hatching thingy was something I looked forward to. But now that over 40 people are sending me applications' requests and gifts, it's just not as interesting. It actually is annoying that I have 52 requests. Man.

It has become the new Myspace and screw Myspace. :P

I still adore my Sugarpie though! He's the cutest Haikoo pet EVER! And if only for him, I'd visit my Facebook every now and then. :)


I was supposed to post a "menu" from fridaysfeast but the Chef is on hiatus until next Friday so yeah.


Sighs. Such a boring Friday night. AND NO I DON'T WANT TO WORK ON MY THESIS JUST YET.

Procrastination is my middle name.


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