Thursday, April 24, 2008

the greatest

If I can be half the woman you are then I will consider myself successful.

Happy 46th birthday Mummy Lhai! ♥

I love you.

We love you.


Anonymous said...

your mom is not a mummy zomg! mummy doesnt sound right on filoland. moreaustralieninfluencekkthxbai :)

Super Little Mum said...

rage on my blog more kthxbye. mum and mummy sound alright anywhere else in the world. :P and it's not just "australian" ZOMG! mate is australian. brolly is australian. brekky is australian. i can go on but that will piss you more, yeah? :P RELAX! w

Anonymous said...

i dont care if jesus came from australia. it jst doesnt spell right on filoland. i dont give a fuck if its right spelling, i jst hate when you spell australian. nigga puhlease!

Super Little Mum said...

and what is this filoland, mate?! :P

look who's speaking AUSTRALIAN!

and again, mum/mummy and "ou" aren't just australian. o.o and yeah, it is ENGLISH.

P.S. don't worry, Jesus isn't australian. :)