Tuesday, November 27, 2007

photos and stories

I went out yesterday with my one and only Ingolok. ;) We had a post-birthday celeb at Friday's. And yes my dear Baneneng, we missed you. :(

Anyway, I only have photos for you. No stories. :P

Mau and I being our normal, silly selves! :P

More photos here.


I am now Pau's official photographer! :P

We were at Tagaytay this afternoon, along with 3 of his classmates for a project. It is something only engineers and engineers-to-be understand so no, I cannot tell you what it is about. Anyway, it was a lot of fun! :D It's good to be somewhere other than the mall! Because malls are so overrated and can be bombed anytime! And Tagaytay, especially during this time of the year is just sooo freezing cold! Too bad we weren't able to visit Taal and the parks because it was friggin raining. Boo. But still, it was fun. I haven't been anywhere (besides the mall and St. Luke's) in a looong time. So yeah, I enjoyed it mucho mucho! Hehe. Plus I get to bond with Pau's classmates so it was good fun. ;) After touring Tagaytay's City Hall, Fire Station, Health Center, Post Office, and Police Station, and gazillion photos after, we had dinner at Dencio's, Tagaytay. :) It would've been a perfect day if not for the heavy rain.

Photos photos! (Yes, I am too lazy to write the full details. After all, pictures speak of a thousand words, don't they? :P)

1. Tagaytay City Hall; 2. Perci, Edz, Mark, and Pau in front of the Post Office; 3. Mark showing some manly love to Pau haha; 4. Perci, Pau and Mark; 5. Pau and I at Dencio's; 6.Group picture at Dencio's (too bad the waiter zoomed the camera in too much. boo.)

Later! :)



Anonymous said...

inggit ako.. :( in fairness, parang tumaba na si mau ha.. eh kailan naman treat mo sa akin?.. hahaha! mishu!

Super Little Mum said...

haha :P pagpunta mo sa laguna! kitakits tayo nina mau. ;) treat kita. mwah! and dude, pa-anonymous effect ka pa ah. :P

Anonymous said...

haha! ay oo nga noh! pwede pala ako as"others".. hahaha!

Super Little Mum said...

hahahaha. si mau hindi na kaya umubos ng isang order ng Cajun Chicken Fingers! *gasps*