Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mothers I adore

Lhai Recalde Taylan. I've always said that if I become half the mother and woman my mum is then I'd consider myself successful. But from where I stand now I realise that if I do just that, I'd end up disappointing her. I realised that a mother would always want her children to go way beyond her achievements and to dream bigger than her dreams. So Ma, I will follow your path, but I promise to go way beyond you've ever dreamed of. :) Thank you for being my inspiration. Thank you for being the strongest, smartest, funniest, coolest, most beautiful, most supportive and most understanding mother anyone could ever have. (Anyone who truly knows my mum will definitely agree with me.) I would like to believe I've inherited your one-of-a-kind strength and for that, thank you. :) I love you very much.

Michelle Taylan Suarez. My Ate has always been a mother-figure even before she had Kylie. She stood as a second mother to me, Shobe and EJ in more ways than she could ever imagine. As a sister she's strict, protective, generous and caring. As a mother she's even better! :) Kylie is one lucky angel for having ate as her mother. Ate is luckier for being her mother. ;) I love you, Ate Mich! :D

Vanessa Abainza Arinsol. We were a few weeks away from graduating from college when my best friend learnt she was carrying Enzo, but unlike other girls our age, she didn't cower. She stood taller than ever as if saying, "bring it on!" Nhe is a fighter. She's independent and carefree and not sweet! :-P But I'm sure as hell she's the sweetest mother to Enzo! :) And I love her much!

Khristine Machuca Esguerra. My good friend from college, Chickie, is a girl blessed with the power of being motherly in nature. Even back in college, there's something in her that made me believe she'd make a good mother. I'm sure the cutie Bettina will agree with me! ;)

Denden Recalde Chua. My Tita Den is someone I really admire. She's superbly loving and caring to Ishee and Boyboy and despite some problems she's encountered, she remains strong for her children. She will do anything and everything for them. It takes a great deal of strength and love to keep a family together and my Tita Den is such a strong woman (I think it runs in our blood!) She's one ideal "Naynay" and she is one of my inspirations. :)

Connie Marie Arinque. Truth is, Connie isn't a mum yet but she belongs to the "Mothers I adore" list simply because she's got all the attributes that make a good mother. :) She's patient, supportive, caring, loving, selfless, thrifty and smart. Our teenage students love her, which one way or another, reflects how her future children will look up to her. ;) She claimed on her mother's-day-card for me that I actually stand as a mother to her. The thing is, she stands like a mother to me, too! She helps me go to places I haven't been to and teaches me things I've never heard of before. She inspires me to work harder because she is such a good teacher, I feel ashamed to be any less. I haven't told you Mads, but you've been nothing but a positive influence on me. And for that I am really grateful. :) I love you!

Other mothers I truly love and look up to:

Agnes Recalde Valmores & Kathryn Valmores Aguilar. Mama Ness and Ate Kath are mothers I adore because they are beautiful and strong (as I said, it runs in our blood! :P).

Katherine Bacosa. I know of many women who got pregnant at such an early age and right after giving birth, forgot about their kids. Kath is the exact opposite. She's living a beautiful life in a different country yet she's never forgotten about her son here in the Philippines. This made me respect and love her more. :)

Nina Recalde Garcia. Because I know she'll move heaven and hell for Dhona and Dhonell! :) I admire Tita Nina because she's strong, selfless and beautiful.

Baybee Recalde Collao. Because despite and in spite of, her love for life and her kids has remained as steadfast as ever. Some of life's beautiful and bitter lessons I've learned from my Tita Baybee.