Friday, April 24, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Updates updates!

I've been down with really bad fever since a week ago. Well, today makes it a week and a day. The fourth day of the fever, ugly allergies appeared and I had to take antihistamines to make it better. The fifth day my breasts were swelling. The other days I've no other symptom than really high fever. 

It's not urinary tract infection. It's not wound infection. My allergies are all better now. And my breasts aren't as engorged anymore. I've no reason to have a fever. But my temperature is still 38.8 C. I don't know what's up with that.


My Aunties and cousins from Canada are here for vacation!

Hoorah for good times! :)

Although, I won't be able to go malling with them. I won't even be able to attend a planned swimming party to celebrate mum and cousin Donna's birthdays!

But oh well. 


I had my hair cut! Because mum said I look really "losyang" with super thick, long hair that's always tied up in a bun. She said I'm not taking care of myself enough. It's nice that I am spending my whole time taking care of Giann & Red but she's right when she said that in order to take care of them better and longer, I need to take care of myself too.

I don't always take her advice because I like to do things my way, but I took this one. :P



Ate Kat, we're waiting for you na and for Kuya Pat too! :)

Ate, we miss you here. :(


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

doodle doodle doo

unpublished posts

I will never be too old for doodles. 


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

he was so into me!

So I re-read "He's Just Not That Into You" and it made me cry.

Last I read it was like 4 years ago and I didn't put much weight on what it has to say.

But now, it sprang tears. 

P.S. I'm adding a new blog on this URL. 
