Tuesday, January 6, 2009

of maids and pays

Our cook and "main" maid is back! Hurrah for scrumptious food! :D I just hope she's back for good. Her younger sister (and Giann's maid) said she's only back to get some clothes. And she didn't bring her 4-year old son with her so there's a very huge possibility that she's gonna leave again. Which means we're going to have to make do with the cooking of the other maid (their youngest sister), who doesn't know how to cook. I can cook better than her I swear. And I'm not even a maid! You should know how terrible I am with cooking. But I put her to shame. She's *THAT* bad. Man, she doesn't even know how to change bed sheets! One time she was TRYING to change our bed sheet, she was struggling and called the aid of her niece, who is like 9. Terribad!!!

But anyway, in the meantime, Ima sit back, relax and enjoy our cook's yum yum dishes. Woots!


So my last pay+13th month pay from The Firm is still "in process." It's amazing how it's been in process for more than a month!

I need it to buy myself a cheap but cute phone. My N70's a goner. May he/she (I haven't really decided on its gender) rest in peace.


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