Wednesday, April 23, 2008

open letter

Dear Messrs. Policemen (Capt. Gabad and someone else as low as him of the Mobile Division of WPD along U.N. Avenue Manila):

If only you know how benevolent Pau is, you’d die in shame. Or wish that the earth would just swallow you whole so you won’t have to live with yourselves - with your corrupt, weak, asshole selves.

If only you know that not Pau nor Mac nor Mcnaire nor Bing do anything illegal except play WoW until the wee hours (in the normal world, everything in excess is bad, ergo to a certain degree, illegal), you’d stab yourselves and ten of your kin to death.

If only you know that Pau has never seen a real gun in his entire 23 years of living, much more own/use/hold one, you’d put your feet in your mouths.

If only you know that that fucking unlicensed gun under the driver seat of Pau’s car is REALLY to his irresponsible, drunkard uncle and was just unintentionally (because he was too drunk to remember) left at Pau’s car one time when he borrowed it because his own car was coding, you’d wish you were never born.

If only you’ve felt how scared and vulnerable and weak Pau was, or how Mcnaire tried to stop the tears from falling, or how Mac was just trying to be cool but was panicking, or how Bing was trembling…

If only you’ve seen Pau’s mum the time you were threatening her over the phone… She could barely hold herself up and was shaking uncontrollably.

If only you’ve felt my pain – for Pau and for Giann.

But really, thank God for corrupt assholes like you. If it was any different, Pau and our friends would have spent the next 8 years behind bars.

Screw Tito Allan and his carelessness.

But screw you more Messrs. Policemen, may you die a terrible death.


1 comment:

♥ Mitsikoy ♥ said...

kasalanan yan nung tito e! tsk tsk tsk... ban na dapat si tito bawal na gamit ng car... hehe! buti na lang nagpabayad... oh well, meron pa bang nde nag papabayad? tsk tsk... okay na lahat?