Friday, February 22, 2008

i was like, "wtf is your friggin problem?"


After dinner, I went inside the room before Pau.

After good 3 minutes, he followed, looked at his monitor and was all irate. "Sabi ko sayo ayusin mo ako eh!" (pertaining to his WoW character)

So I was confused, "ay sorry. Hindi ko alam. Anong ayusin?"

Him: "db sinabi ko sayo, dalin mo ko sa kanila?!" (to the other characters)

Me: *annoyed* "Hindi ko narinig na sinabi mo yun!"

Him: "kahit na, nakita mo na nga na nakatayo lang ako dito at walang ginagawa!" (ako being his character)

I was like D-U-H. I was only three minutes ahead of you! Does that make that MUCH difference? If any, at all. AND FOR ONE, THAT’S JUST ONE FUCKING GAME FUCKING US BOTH. thankyouverymuch.

And then now he’s like really annoyed at me. Like wow, is it *THAT* important to be that mad? IS IT EVEN FRIGGIN IMPORTANT? I-FUCKING-THINK-FUCKING-NOT.

Yes, this is one of those rare times you’d hear (read) me swear. Because I swear to all that is holy, Pau’s just beyond… reason.

Good night.

Note to self: Blog Rage is not healthy and thus, must be avoided. So I'm sorry beautiful blog, I will try my best to not let this happen again.

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