Saturday, November 24, 2007

a not so sensible first.

So I have a new blog YET AGAIN. :P Let's all cross our fingers and hope this would be the last! Haha. Yes Ate, yet another "Yeng's blog" for your links. Hehe. Maybe next year your linkies would be so full of "Yeng Blog 1" "Yeng Blog 2" "Yeng Blog 1,598" :P

Anyway, I really wanted to revive the Prinsesa blog but it's so full of drama of the past. Not that I don't want to remember the past. Just that I promised I'd let bits of it to rest and give them a funeral so yeah.

It is 1 AM and despite the fact that I am not at all sleepy, my neurons aren't working properly. So I will post a more sensible entry some time. Plus I have yet to edit this blog's layout and all that jazz.

Oh and since I am turning 23 in a day, my birthday resolution is that I'd be a more responsible and diligent blogger. :P Just like I was during the Yengski blog era. ;)

So yeah, welcome to my new life! :) I still am a Princess but over and above all the roles I play, I am a mum and I'd like to believe I am a better person now.

Later loves! ♥


P.S. Ate, you have to label my now customized banner! :P Can't use the ones you did. They're too big. :( Love you!

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